c e m e n t s k y h a s l o s t i t s s h i ne

24 5 0

the stars use to be jealous

of your eyes.

oh how they use to

shine with light.

oh how the stars use to envy

your eyes.

but the shine has faded

into the cement walls of the sky.

this sky is not the sky

you belong to;

i see it in your eyes.

they shine for a diffrent sky

i fear i will lose you

lose you to a diffrent sky

a sky that holds us here.

here but not there

i am scarred to lose you

to that sky.

but, the stars shine brighter

oh so much brighter

in the sky not made of cement.

you deserve that sky.

you deserve to shine bright.

brighter then the stars

of the cement sky.

as much as i fear i will

lose you.

to someplace i may

never find.

i can always look up

cause you'll be shinning

shinning through

the only sky i can see.

to that day the stars will

envy you, but at least

i will always be able to find you.

'cause you will always be

the brightest star.

or at least to me.

because your eyes

are my favourite star.

3:08 pm

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