s c r a t c h e d b a s e b o a r d s i n t h e h a l l w a y

22 4 0

he screams louder

the roars shake my home.

the shrills so high

they could've broke glass.

and here i am standing

in my kitchen

second time in my life

i was not the source

of his anger.

he pulls him by his

shirt dragging the boy

down the hall.

he is kicking and screaming

tears stream down his face

like the mississippi river.

he is scared.

you could hear only moments

before the sound of fists

pounding the wall his

foot could've gone right

through the door.

but the scarriest noise

was when the man opened

the door from the otherside.

it was the silence the carried

through the house.

the calm before the storm.

then like a rocket he shot off

the boy being pulled

behind him is scarred.

trying to string together

an apolgoy before

he is tossed out the door.

my mom trying to stop him

by putting her body in front

of the storm.

i've been there before.

over a year ago

i was being pulled

kicking and screaming

holding onto corners and walls.

you can still see my nail marks

on the base board's

if you look close enough.

but i could not make it

to his eyes that were pleading

he was screaming someone help me.

but i couldn't.

i couldn't step in

be that hero he was crying for.

i knew he would never hurt

the curly haired boy

'cause after he is his son.

his favourite son.

his only son.

my mother pulled my father

off him before he made it

too the door.

my brother was lying on the floor

his chest rising slow.

he was crying.

much like i have before.

just like i have before

5:14 pm

altercation of self-actualization《poetryWhere stories live. Discover now