h u r r i c a n e t e q u i l l a

39 6 0

i hear not watch

the bottle tip back

tequilla slips down

their throats.

a hurricane is forming

in the basement

of my families home.

swirling twirling

with the thoughts of

past boy friends

toast to the evening ahead

to the evening of laughter

fuelled stories that bleed

into the early hours of

the morning where hair

will be pulled back for

work in an hour

and to avoid the vomit

that trails from the side

of her mouth.

the hurricane of tequilla

made her text him back

made her take him back.

i heard the yells.

the tribal screams that fill

the stale air of the basement.

if i too drink this liquid

shall it bring you back

with a shot glass in

hand i hold a bottle

found on top of the fridge

like a throttle ready to see

if i can see you in

the toliet bowl ridges.

if your name will appear

in my contact list

once again.

i too tonight drank

up from the tequilla hurrinace.

the vile taste lit my throat on fire

feeling alive in the moment

i texted the person who i wished

to be at the top

of my phones contact list.

the name

the name was not yours.

in my druken state

i had connected dots.

dots that draw a line to a happy face.

the face did not belong

to you or your name.

these times i actually smile

when i see the name respond

back to mine.

cheers to hurricane tequilla.

at least i wont feel the after math

of you until the morning light.

12:25 pm

altercation of self-actualization《poetryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora