e n d i n g

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well that is the end of this..

i hope maybe someone out there

was perhaps helped or now know

there is someone out there who

understood what they are/were/still 

going through to help know

maybe just maybe they aren't alone.

idk tho.

i know my original plan when

i started writting my first poetry book

was to make it a four part series.

one book for each year of high school.

but i am yet to decide if i want too

carry on with that idea.

i feel like i will but maybe

wait a while before

i post the next book

'cause to be honest i dont even

have a book title idea yet...

but from the bottom of my

heart i would like to thank

anyone and everyone

who ever took a minute

or two out of their day

to read even one of my poems.

really means a lot to me too have a

platform and to have amazing

people i've been able to

meet and connect with

that have surived and conqured

and still are conquring

things that i felt so alone in.

its an unbelievable feeling

to finally not feel completely

alone and in the dark.

with things you go through

every single day.

so once again thank you.

and until the next one

peace peace



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