w h i t e s t a t i c

73 6 3

I dont know how

to feel anymore.

no blurry love hallucinations

toxin laced  friendship.

i try to re-wedd the word


names of old

planters pinned to past


i've been given a reason

to recover from

the toxic waste

that cased my body for the

past year.

to withhold

the torture

of hot objects to

finger tips

for not losing

more then two

pounds this week.

i sit in abandoned train carts

dirt covered side walk curbs

a dart lit by another

light laughter sings

with the wind.

i sit with the people

who make me feel

no longer alone.

no longer alone with

hazy held nightmares

and the white static

the only sound that

teethered to the warm

summer air at night.

but last night while

counting the cigarettes

left in my pack.

a sound i havent heard

in so long renders me


silence carrys through

that was the night i last

cried my tears of

being left behind alone

in the drug house

of coke heads and

in the hallways of my

elementry school

when white static filled

the room of empty desks.

i like to say thanks

to the peoples

who made me smile again.

amd making me less

of a toxic mess.

10:51 pm

its shit but so am i so..

there was a drive by shooting in my town by two boys i go to school with and their both arrested now and being trialed as adults and their only fifteen, way to throw away your lifes guys.

altercation of self-actualization《poetryWhere stories live. Discover now