a n u g l y k i n d o f p r e t t y

30 5 0

can the beautiful creature

that use to live inside of you

come back to life.

when the sobriety of you

bleeds into the high.

i lose you in the hot boxed truck

even tho your sitting

right next to me.

i can feel your leg bouncing

up and down against me.

but yet your eyes stained red

bleak and unlivley.

your dead to me in those hours

as the clock feels like it ticks back.

i lose you to her

its all takes a matter of time before

she reaches you thoughts

and your no longer next to me.

no longer with me

i fear you have already fallen

for the beauty she holds

yet to see the ugliness of it all.

your yet to see her on a rage

where your vomit turns green

and you black out

in the middle of the road.

when you wake up

with no recollection of the night before

burnt fingertips

and chapped and cracked lips.

you don't see her hands making

a nouse that perfectly fits

your neck.

her smirks when you recive

the failed marks on your test

but even through it all

you would still rather

hold her hand.

hold her hand into the hot boxed truck

change ridden pockets

stolen from your brothers room

hoping praying you can

stay with her for only

a little while longer.

you forget the life you lived

without her

because she becomes

your absolute everything.

from the way you walk to dress

to the way you take showers

so they dont smell her perfume

in your hair

i know you've fallen for her.

the same way i have.

she is all i have left.

the only one to not cheat me out

leave me hanging

for something else better.

but nothing is better then her

nothing will ever be better then her.

cause even through her beauty

and her rage.

i am yet to leave her

for more then four months.

i always come back.

she somehow always has me

coming back for her.

just like she has you.

you've fallen for her

but don't worry i have too.

6:55 pm

altercation of self-actualization《poetryWhere stories live. Discover now