l i l a c

15 3 0

the room smelt

like lilac.

the way she always wanted

it to be.

to her smelt clean

but to me it smelt

like my omas home

it just misses the hints

of stale coffee,

disinfecting spray

and, laundry soap.

i hate the smell

but to her its home.

the room smelt

like lilac.

made me think

of all of my old hopes.

or were they her's i can't

even remember anymore.

the room smelt

like lilac.

i try not to think

of the smell cause

its all i can ever smell

when i walk into her home.

and not one good memory

ties it's self with the scent

the room smelt

like lilac.

i swear the smell

has baked into the walls.

from every candle

she burns makes the scent

grow more and more strong

the room smelt

like lilac.

i've bought her

everyone of those candles.

the room smelt

like lilac.

as much as i hate the smell

i was the one who

helped her plant

the lilac bushes

in the back.

the room smelt

like lilac.

but the smile

on her face

makes it worth it


the room smelt

like lilac.

like it's intended too.

the room smelt

like lilac.

just like she

wanted it too.

the room smelt

like lilac

just like i

want it too.

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