d r o w n i n g i n t h e f u c k s i t r y t o s t o p g i v i n g

26 5 0

to the man who yelled tranny

at me from his car window last week

while i was out for my smoke.

fuck you.

i m still carrying the comment

in my school bag.

to the boy who called me dyke

on the bus everyday

for months on end.

fuck you.

that word is still ironed

to the back of my jean jacket.

to the boys who use to cause

me panic attacks on purpose

for a majority of my junior high

fuck you guys;

i still wake up in tears from

those sounds.

to my father who called me

fat for the past fifteen years of my life.

fuck you.

those words

i still carry to the toliet bowl

ridges of my family bathrooms.

to the beyond teasing words

that past classmates use to shout

at me.

fuck you all.

that shit still makes me insecure

about my face.

nobodys perfect

and i understand but words

hurt you fucking ass hats.

they cling tight.

sometimes way to tight.

and they consume us

every particle of us

and i m trying hard

to avoid that.

10:10 pm

zip fucks given to censorship thats for sure

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