y o u a r e a l m o s t a s a d d i c t i v e a s m e t h

37 5 9

can i be addicted

to something i am yet

to ever have?

can i be addicted

to thought of you and i

libs tangled in a bed?

can i be addicted to the idea

of us walking hand in hand

down cracked streets of this town

that you say

you are in love with?

can i be addicted to the idea

of not caring about the stares

when i kiss you head

in the check out line

in superstore

because the forehead i kiss

does not belong

to an adolescent boy

but much rather a girl.

a girl with long eyelashes

and pretty floral dress

with a brain

and addicted to a lot more

then just cocaine.

can i be addicted

to the thought of you and i

drinking vodka

mixed with lemonade

on lawnchairs out front

your families home?

can i be addicted to the idea

of you and i?

can i be addicted to the idea

of just you and i?


one of the worse days i ve had in a while. learned i am going to flunk precal cause i cant even do grade eight algebra. showed up a lil to stoned to science class and dont know how to do any of the work she assigned. Started drivers ed and my instructor repeats "okay" and "do you even follow" on averge twenty times at least ever ten minutes. Then my phone screen smashed causual want to cry.

and lastly my mom p much told me if i came out as trans or gender binary or even gay i would be kicked out of the house.

so i ve had a shitty day):

hope your guys day went a bit better:)

peace peace.



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