e x p l a i n g d e a t h t o m y a u t i s t i c b r o t h e r

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death is a topic

often not held at dinner tabel talk.

tonight at my table it was.

with hearing of the passing

of charles manson on the radio

while my brother soaked

in his morning bubble bath.

he never quite understood death.

like many the thought scarred

him to much.

something he hated hearing

about no matter who it was

even a famous cult leader

a random man on the news

my baba who passed about

four summers ago.

often getting stopped and ask

at funerals where my mothers

only son was

she would try to explain

that nolan did care

about the recent passing

of our family.

its just he doesn't understand it

he works himself up to much

then cloapses to a mop of curls

and salty tears into the pewds

of the church.

he is easily frightened

by the coffin.

never wanting to get out

of the car whenever we vist

my uncle and grandmother

at the cemetery.

tonight at our dinner table

my brother fell into his

chair once more becoming

nothing more then curls and tears

he did not understand.

asking students in the hallway

if one day

they to will go to heaven

when they pass.

trying to explain

something as heavy as this

to someone even my brother

is one of the hardest things to do.

trying to stay optimistic

about something

that we don't know anything about

or whateven happens

after the fucking fact.

my mother trys to assure him

hes in good health.

he then questions

our great aunts and uncles

my oma and opa my grandfather.

scarred they to will leave us

one day;

leave him.

he's never been one

one to deal with change

nevermind when you elimate

any and all new experinces

with this person.

optimism can only take you so far

cause the truth is

i really don't know.

i'm sorry noly

i really just don't know.

10:55 pm

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