t h e b e f o r e & a f t e r p i c t u r e

26 4 1

the forest inside of me

is back in bloom.

the trees that were barley

twigs only weeks ago

are filling with leaves

evergreens more green

then they've ever been before.

the flowers that were once

planted in straight lines

row by row.

now are stomp to death by the man

who moved back into

a place i avoid at any cause

any more.

i was tired of counting ribs

but now its all i have left.

i could count the meals

i've skipped or the amount

of times

the bottoms of my feet

meet the glass of the scale.

the forest is back in bloom

smells like black coffee

and her old perfume

the one she use to wear

that was always placed on top

of the stack of unfinished

books by her door.

it smells like how i use

to describe comfort.

how i use to be comfortable

drowing under layers

of duvets on my unmade bed

staring at a blank computer screen

and over grown broken nails

hitting the back space button

on every letter i spelt out

trying to spell out the words

that i was not fine.

i was not okay.

i was dying under layers

of clothes and blankets

and dirty makeup wipes

cause crying was the only thing

i could emotionally do.

its back to the only

thing i can emotionally do.

the forest inside of me

is back in bloom.

i am scarred cause

i don't know what to do.

the forest inside of me

is back in bloom

9:40 pm

altercation of self-actualization《poetryWhere stories live. Discover now