Im Still Here

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I could hear a monitor making beeping sounds. I could feel my heart beating. I could here people rushing from place to place. I could see nothing.

Was I alive? What has happened to me? Suddenly I heard the monitor beep faster and faster. I heard the shuffle of people's feet as they ran to my side. Suddenly the monitor went back to normal.

Suddenly I heard a familiar voice shout my name. "Aria!" Ivan said through his tears. I tried to open my mouth to shout back to him but I couldn't. I tried to open my eyes to see his beautiful face, but once again, I couldn't.

I heard feet walk right next to me and pull up a chair. "Aria, why you?" He barely said. "Why does it have to be my wife out of all people. Why couldn't it be me?" He said with sadness in his.

"I don't know if you can here me. Just know I am not leaving your side, not now and not ever" he said.

"Aria!" I heard a few people shot as they ran into the room.

"Aria I know you probably can't hear me but Erika, Jake, Tessa, Emilio, Chance, and Anthony are here to see you" Ivan said.

Then I heard many people break down in tears. I felt sadness come over me. I was confused. I wanted to comfort my friends who have become like family to me over the past few years, but I couldn't. I couldn't see or move, but I could hear.

I heard someone else walk into the room filled with sadness and fear. The guy spoke in a deep voice, "Are you the family of Aria Smith?"

Without hesitation they all said, "yes."

"Well, my name is Ron and I am her doctor. Aria as you know got involved in a serious car accident. The driver died immediately but Aria was lucky enough to survive. Now, the good news is that Aria will survive. The bad news is that Aria will be in a coma for the next week" the doctor said. The word coma echoed over and over in my head.

I am alive. I'm still breathing. I still have a heart beat. I am alive.

I heard Ivan begin to speak, "Just remember love, don't hide perfection."

You may think this is the end, but I assure you it is not. Hope you are enjoying this story!
- Becca

Don't Hide Perfection -Ivan Martinez Where stories live. Discover now