Another Ex

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Ivan's P.O.V.
I don't think I ever got over Veronica. She was my first love. It's crazy to say but I think I still love her. Yes, my heart belongs to Aria, but Veronica is still in my heart. "I miss you" Veronica said smiling.

"I miss you too Ronnie" I said smiling. "Come meet my wife Aria!" I said excitedly. She smiled and nodded as we went over to Aria. She looked upset.

"Babe, this is my first love Veronica" I said smiling. They shook hands and Veronica sat down at our table next to me. We sat there for about an hour taking about all of our old memories together while Aria just sat there still looking upset. I don't know why I am not comforting her, but Veronica is here, and I want to spend time with her.

"Bye Ronnie" I said smiling as I hugged her. I heard Aria say bye to her quietly.

"Can you put your number in? Maybe we can hang out and catch up soon" Veronica said handing her phone to me. I nodded as I entered my phone number.

Aria's P.O.V.
Of course I am jealous. Ivan had been talking to his first love for he past hour, and has been completely ignoring me. I think he still loves her. We are married, why is he acting like this?

We got in the car. I wasn't planning on talking to him for the three hour drive back home. I crossed my arms and looked out of the window the whole time not saying a word.

When we got home and I ran upstairs and changed into my pajamas trying to avoid Ivan. I grabbed my phone and charger and ran to find Erika. I found her sitting along on the couch. "Hey Rick can I sleep in your room tonight since your sleeping in Jake's?"

"Yeah. I'll be up in 10 and I want to know what's going on" she said. I nodded.

"Just don't tell anyone where I am, especially not Ivan, ok?" I said. She nodded and I ran up to her room and locked the door. I know I'll have to deal with Ivan tomorrow I just can't handle doing it right now. Ivan will also have to take care of Hope tonight.

I got comfortable and went to Snapchat. I clicked on Ivan's story to see that he had posted pictures of him and Veronica. I felt my face go red. I decided to go on twitter instead.

I clicked on twitter to notice I was tagged in a bunch of tweets. I read some and they all said the same things, "Who is the mystery girl with Ivan?" I just can't escape it can I?

I heard a knock at the door. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to take the chance of it being Ivan. "It's me" Erika said. I got up and unlocked the door. She walked in and sat on the bed next to me. "So, what's going on?" She asked me.

I explained everything to her and her facial expressions said everything. "I will kill him if he does anything stupid" she said. I laughed and hugged her. I'm glad I have a friend who has my back. "That explains why Ivan has been texting someone all night and laughing. And when I asked who he was talking to he just hid his phone and said no one" Erika said.

I haven't felt this feeling in a while. I haven't felt jealous, mad, and sad all at once since I caught Ryan cheating. What is going on with Ivan?

I ran downstairs to see Ivan still smiling at his phone. I grabbed his phone out of his hands and looked at it. Sure enough, he was texting Veronica. "What is going on! You texted her all night and ignored me all day!" I yelled in his face.

"Why are you acting like this!" Ivan shouted back.

"The real question is why are you acting like this?" I yelled in anger.

"If you are going to be jealous all the time then maybe we should get a divorce!" He yelled at me. I felt my eyes fill with tears. I never thought it would go this far.

"Wow. Well if that is what you want then we will get a divorce so you can be with Veronica!" I yelled running back up to Erika's room and locking the door. I heard him shout my name a few times but I didn't listen. I knew he didn't mean what he said but it still upset me. Or did he really want a divorce?

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