Meri Jaan ( my Life)

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Hello everyone i am back.....Extremely sorry for being late i would try to be regular with this one....All the lovely silent readers and my dearest voters i am overwhelmed with the response....A big thank you to all those who voted for my story....Keep voting and commenting the response keeps me going.... AditiSupekar aditi2904 Anurathore ankitagaude mousumiKar meghaJain749 kaaraannabella    anahita_leve shilpi87 MousumiKar praju2797  I can't tell my happiness when i saw all your votes....I love you all and sorry if i missed anyone in my thank you list........  deek28 ShaVarJat aminsalamasumedass MeenuGowsi Sravs64 all you lovelies don't miss the curve.....Keep me blessed with your love....I have been in an hurry for this update so forgive me for any mistake....


Swara was sitting on the bed with her laptop looking something lost while the cool breeze invaded from the rooms balcony...The room is colourful and decorated with exquisite rajasthani art work.....She sat exactly opposite to the mirror which had intrinsic carving with fine defining.....She was watching recording of sanskar on laptop which AK and he had done.....Her face is covered with her silky locks which is flowing with the breeze

Sanskars POV about swara as recorded :

Its been a month since we both met did i ever say she was an angel then i take my words back she is a devil....A complete opposite of what i saw for the first week she has made my life a living hell....(smiling like an lost fool) I love this hell its far better then any heaven.....hehe not exactly the words i say she is a cute little angel turning my penthouse into an heaven....

He was walking in the whole penthouse describing it....

Everywhere there are clouds (he dashed into one while walking) made of cotton offcourse but it looks like sky....Even there is galaxy and solar system made in my bedroom interiors she got it made....Why to leave stars and moons behind they are just above my bed on the ceiling see for yourself....If someone sees my room it looks like some kids room....Every weekend when we go out on a trip she makes me photographer and then one dedicated wall on our return is decorated with the most memorable pic of our trip (there were beautiful pics of nature hanging on the wall also few pics of sanskar).... She is making me live something which i never dreamed off ....She loves cotton candy but can't eat it still fantasies to have it some day, still talks to her doll also to puppys, flowers, all dead things....complains about me to Mr Buzo her stuff dog with whom she sleeps, plays in rain mindlessly falling ill, Simplicity is her charm modern yet simple....She reminds me of sleeping angel time and again with her talks.....She makes me dance on her tune i knew i was talented but after she entered my life now i know i am multi talented....

I am her chef someday,chauffer, photographer, lover, baby, cook, cleaner, driver whatever she wishes to make me....The bottom line of the story she taught me to live life enjoy it and laugh like a maniac....She never interferes in my work but takes care of my every need...To an extent that i can't miss my food or medicine wherever the hell i am in this world....My bodyguards, cook, security incharge jai, even AK is scared of her anger (Ak turns the camera towards him and shows the scared expression).... (back to sanskar) Once while travelling to delhi for a seminar to and fro i forgot my medicines i landed back with bad health she had got tears in everyones eyes who were with me....She was in her rudra avtar like maa Durga she would have killed everyone if possible for negligence....She took complete care till i was back to normal but once i plunged back...She made me driver for a week after coming from work i would take madam out on long drives worst was she took me shopping uff and everyone knows how its shopping with ladies....She is typical middle class miser who shops only on discounts hehee...She neither uses sanskar Maheshwari's name nor money she is very calculated i love her so much....I love her punishments also....Only thing i hate is when she stays silent...I even made her do her routine exercise before i wake up as then she would go silent and i can't see her silent....I love each and every moment of my life more then anything i love my swara....She is a complete chatterbox....

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