Mukhota(The mask)

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Khushamdeed, namaste, Hi lovelies.... Forgive me for the late updates bit occupied with health issue.... Also forgive me for errors and do notify the major ones as I have drafted in completely on mobile as my laptop stopped working... I don't know when i would have new one so please forgive me for errors till then.... I am also sorry for not replying on comments but be rest assured i read all of them and it gives me immense happiness seeing this story being loved by so many.... Thanks a ton friends for loving my stories,voting and following... I would not be here writing if you all didn't motivate me..... This story is reaching its end 2 chapters and epilogue more to go.... Do let me know your feedbacks anything that you would lovw to see in the story also your favourite character in the story.... I hope its not getting bored... Shower your love and be rest assured and read all the comments its your love 😍 that keeps me going... A special Os and TS os on its way which i will publish shortly


A huge open space which had many tents illuminated with lamps, it looked vibrant in its ambiance. As it was the day of feast everyone after the dinner in Royal mansion, were resting in their tents few men were outside chit chatting. The complete surrounding which was occupied with tents in which the Kalbeliya crew was residing came to a standstill when the royal vintage car came to a screeching halt.

Bade Raja Sa alighted as one of his men opened the car door for him and all the heads bowed in respect to the king. Just behind him Laksh stepped down from his car, everyone was in awe looking at the Royals in their space. Raja saheb calmly walked ahead towards the biggest tent which was of their head led by the men of their group. While Laksh took a seat just outside the tent on a cot, it's rule of the village when the two heads meet no one else is allowed in their space.

BR: Khamba ghani Rehmat sa.

Rehmat: Ghani Khamba, aho bhaag humare je sa yahan padhaaro so, (greetings. it's our pleasure to have you here). You could have called me i would have been present at your service.

BR: Today it's my need so it's my duty to come and talk to you.

Rehmat: Tell me Raja Saheb, has anyone from the group did any mistake or is their any other function that you want us to grace. Are you getting chotte Kunwars married, said the elderly man jokingly.

BR: This time it is about life of my son.

Rehmat: What are you saying Raja Sa? (At once the ambiance turned serious)

BR stood with this hands folded behind

BR: He has been poisoned and i need your help. (the head was going to say something but Raja saheb showed the hand and he went silent). I know you have stopped practicing or giving medicines after the what happened in your life but this time I need your help. He is my pride whose life is at stake i can pay any amount to save him.

Rehmat: (joining hands and bowing head): Mane maaf kijiye ga hukum (Please forgive me my lord) I won't be of any help too you, There is hospital, reknowned doctors you are also well to do then why do you wish to play with life of you son?

BR: I know your calibre,i respected your decision when you decided to step down from the practices but, today I am not a king but a father who is seeking your help.

Rehmat: I could not save my son, then how can i save someone else?

BR: I don't have time, i know your sentiments but may be saving my son could give your burning heart relief that you were not wrong then. It was pre destined to happen and it happened. God has sent you as an saviour for my kid.

Paasbaan (Protector) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now