Drushtikon (Insight)

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Saahil had a wicked smile on his face watching swara unconcious in his arms .

Saahil: Arey, swara you spoke infront of wrong person. "Ib Usne koi nahin bacha sakta" (Now, no one can save him).

He picked her up in bridal style and looked behind at Yashoda and winked while she looked in the direction where the other girl swara followed ran away. As saahil was putting swara into the car Khushi saw it but till she reacts the car sped up.

Khushi informed others of swara being kidnapped.

In the mansion Annapurna was talking with bade Raja sa who had just arrived for the ritual. While Sargam stood there all decked up, she was patiently listening to the solution that she has to do before dawn with something going on behind her mind.

Sargam ( in mind): Why this people have to keep this puja so strict? Hey mata rani (calling the godess), you know I am not that strong to perform this so just forgive me. I can't tell Rani sa as she would then not allow me near Kunwar sa, so i would go and sit there for an hour then come back and do drama that i completed the ritual no one will know.

Badi Rani sa (looking adorably at Sargam): You are giving new life to my son, i can't thank you enough for this.

Rehmatji: Sargam kunwrani sa, Kunwar sa's life is on your will now. Also, remember accepting and not doing the ritual will impart issues in your life. 

Sargam was now shocked her plans were falling apart. Still she decided to go with her wicked plan.

Saahil was lustily staring unconcious figure of swara. She was unaware of his presence around but that known feeling made her uneasy. She flickered her eyes adjusting to the dim light of the dungeon.

Saahil sat to her extreme right enjoying his drink and his eyes scanning through her. What caught her attention was some women sitting with back towards swara.

The woman wore a traditional attire of Rajputs while sat with her legs bent supporting the feet on the table.

Saahil: (looking at swara) Swagat se thara mhare iss chhote se mehmann khane mein.....
( You are welcome into this little guest house of mine)

The other lady gave a sharp look at saahil.

Sarry saary humare garib khane mein.

Swara was curiosly trying to peep who the lady was. Yashoda entered in the meantime gathering attention.

Yashoda: ohhhhhh, the queen woke up.

She said harshly grabbing swara by her chin. As swara retorted and pulled her face out of Yashoda's grip there were scratch marks on her face.

Yashoda: Stay alert she is being searched everywhere. Those little cats would hunt you down if they get sure she is in your clutches.

Swara (raising an eyebrow with attitude): Don't awake the sleeping lion playing with his counterparts because when he will hunt you won't be able to hide.

Yashoda was about to slap swara when the girl in veil threw her glass which shattered making loud noise and held Yashoda's hand. Her face was still covered behind the hold and she stood behind swara's chair. Swara had tightly shut the eyes.

Unknown girl: Why hurt her when you can cause pain hurting her own loved ones.

Swara was stunned listening to the voice she shook her chair vigorously to take a glance.

Unknown girl: Stop wriggling like a earthworm or I have to throw you in water.

Swara: Kavita di...

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