Yaadein (Memories)

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Swara's journey was about to begin it was tough for everyone to bid adieu to swara but over troubled was laksh. His face was showing how pained he was his barbie was going away and he didn't knew how he would survive without her. They were at the airport. Ragini, laksh, Khushi swara, all the elders and little one.

Everyone was busy explaining dos and don'ts to swara. From precautions to be taken while taking kid to a cold place to home remedies when the baby is in distress. Every minor thing was being fed in to her brain stream. While away from this chaos in a corner sat Laksh with his little one his eyes opened seeing her and closed watching her. He was lovingly gazing her in his arms and talking sweet nothing to her.

Laksh: Please take care and do call(thinking) no you video call your chhoto papa so at least i could see you( he was talking to the little one sleeping in his arms. She wriggled a bit and he smiled please don't forget me...he said and calmly hugged her.

Flight announcement happened and swara after clearing boarding and security checks boarded the flight with barbie and khushi. As she stepped into the flight she found it was their personal plane. Why not they were the "Maheshwari"

She remembered Sanskars line "our babies first flight would be very special and it will be in our private plane" a smile tugged her lips assuming this is done by Sanskar. She didn't know what shocks awaited her.

As they left Laksh fell on his knees and cried and cried. Mansion was eaten up by silence everyone was crying. The tears built up over the time were now flowing. The facade of being strong was torn.

Swara and khushi with barbie reached Doha. On the airport as the flight landed the extended family was waiting for their arrival but after the landing of flight nobody turned up for a longtime. Laksh who was continuously trying to locate swara and khushi got a shocking news and broke down in his office.

He turned his complete office into disaster. His father was summoned urgently from the cabin. As he entered he was looking at a deshelved laksh clueless. Laksh was sitting on the ground holding his mobile which had his Barbie's pic.

Laksh: Baba, swara....

Raja sa: (smiling) This had to happen some or the other day. I was expecting this and facing reality is very important for her and all of us. You don't need to worry and barbie for her....

Laskh(determined): I will go there.

Raja sa: (shocked) Laksh

Laksh: If this is destined i would face it but barbie is too small and would need to be cared. swara would need someone to take care of her so i would...

His sentence was cut " We would go babasa" Ragini who was informed about Laksh's state had rushed in with few shopping bags .

Raja sa: Let's change your honeymoon location to Belgium. Raja sa said keeping hand on laksh's head who in turn hugged his legs. While he also side hugged Ragini they all were crying.

On the airport:

At Doha airport swara was in different plans other then the one she showed everyone. She was talking on phone after which she turned towards khushi who was trying to switch on her mobile which showed dead. She was surprised as she had completely charged the phone.

Swara was looking at her stressed face and smiling inwardly as she had drained when khushi had gone to washroom. She came back into present.

Swara: Khushi i need to feed barbie can we head to baby room?

Khushi: Swara barbie is sleeping now. You can feed her in car araam se why delay?

Swara: It would just take few mins. I won't feel comfortable to feed in car with new people around.

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