ARTTL (Greedy of Joy) Part 1

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Rules simple ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ:

1. No "thanks".(• ε •)

2. No rushing me. ( ;'Д`)

3. No spoiler...*If you know the story, just keep it yourself, ok?。◕‿◕。

No proofreading hence lot of grammar error, tried my best best to delivery out...If you are a grammar nazi, don't read.. ಠ益ಠ

Enjoy reading...



During winter holiday, little brother and Qin Lang come to town S, I am of cause very happy, however for Lu Feng, just a small 50 feet of apartment and have to squeezed these two uninvited guest that size is not even small, plus it always had been make him feel doubt about these two men, his expression is full of cloudy.

The first day when arranging the room for them to sleep already has a little problem. Yi Cheng mostly had quarrel with Qin Lang during when they are coming on the way, noise around wanted to sleep with me no matter what, Lu Feng stiffened for a long time then with his non-friendly expression went into another bedroom. In fact, there is nothing for him to feel unwilling, since every night he also hug me while sleeping and mostly only eat that little tofu of me, full table of bouquet, he can only see but cannot eat, isn't it better don't see then his mind also won't feel confused.

T/N: 吃点小豆腐 (diǎn xiǎo dòufu) Eat that little tofu... In chinese word, that little tofu is mean harassing or let people harassed, depend on how you want to use it. >//< In here, it saying Lu Feng always take advantage every night to harass Xiao Chen....*3*!!

Feel bad for Qin Lang a bit, he have to nest on the sofa in the living room, his slender long body shrink into a ball, pathetic roll with the blanket. I really don't know what he had done wrong until Yi Cheng become so ruthless on him, still is his own boyfriend, if is me, no matter how worse Lu Feng had did, I also never drive him to sleep in the living room.

Early in the morning I got woke up by a loud screamed and bark, stumbled seeing Lu Feng standing in front of the bed. This guy again broke in the room, should confiscated his key...

Haven't think finish then whole body got dragged up, first it was Yi Cheng got pulled away from my body, and then I got dragged up by another hand.

No need like that, we both brothers always hug together during sleeping in winter time, Yi Cheng pressed on me is very normal, because his sleeping posture is always not that good. Although both of us didn't wear much and also rolled up together, one pressed on top another one, that also doesn't mean we had done something wrong ah.

Yet said to that rusty brain still cannot understand.

In order to eliminate the fatigue from these two men, we decided go for hot spring. Hot spring in Town S of cause cannot be compared in Japan, but still have some good indoor hot spring, the currently we go one is good.

It is fully roman-style of design, make people did not notice then really come into the exquisite country.

When I am undressing myself that time slow a bit, they all already enter into the water, left me struggle with my pant, resulted face turn flustered when nakedly jump into the water in front of the three men, totally embarrassed.

Lu Feng booked the whole room, inside the water only have four of us that have a complicated relationship standing still, ambiguous atmosphere, all of us just silently soak inside the water, towel on top our head, silently breath the heat, as if like boiling four dumplings.

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