Needs No Introduction

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I walked in an alley making sure to stay in the shadows just in case Penguin was looking for me. I headed toward Catwoman's house checking my back every five seconds to make sure I wasn't being followed. My feet were heavy and my arms were sore. 

I walked up behind an old house and knocked on the back door. The door creaked open, but Catwoman wasn't there to greet me. Instead there was a short little man with a top hat, monocle, suit, shiny shoes, a pointy nose, and an evil grin plastered on his face.

"I will not tolerate runaways Kayo." Penguin stated.

Two body guards came up behind me and grabbed both my arms. I hung my head in defeat, I new this was a dumb idea. Penguin would always find me, know my every move. He's always one step ahead of me. Even though I detached the tracker on my mask, he always knows where I am going to be.

I was dragged into Catwoman's house and thrown on the tile floor. Catwoman must have not made it home yet. The living room was dark and warm from the weather outside. I pushed myself up to my knees with a grunt. 

"I want you to meet someone who needs no introduction." Penguin laughed.

Out from the shadows came a burly built man. He had a square jaw with a stubble beard. He had untamed brown hair and a big nose. His mouth was formed into a snarl. He wore beat up, blue jeans and a tight gray shirt. 

I stared into his eyes studying the man that stood before me. His brown eyes glared right back without emotion. My body shook with pure rage and fear. I couldn't tell them apart anymore. My mind was swirling with so many emotions it started to hurt. 

"This is what happens to stupid girls who don't listen. I hope you remember the pain and then maybe you'll think twice about running away." Penguin snarled.

"It's been a long time, daughter." my father spoke with satisfaction.

I spat at his feet. I lifted myself off the ground getting ready to fight. The body guards behind me shoved me back to the ground before I could stand up. He growled, anger filling his eyes as he came towards me. I tried to move out of the way, but more body guards came to from the shadows and held me down. 

I was kneeling on the ground before the man I ran from for a year. The man who shows up in every nightmare I have. The man who wants nothing more than to make my life miserable. Now, that man was standing right before me with rage written all over his face. 

I lifted my head as a calloused hand came down on my face. He slapped me right across the bridge of my nose. I screamed as he came in for another blow. I didn't scream because of the pain in my nose. I screamed from the horrible memories that flooded into my head.


"Get out of my house you little bastard!" my father screamed.

The glass from the TV and beer bottle were still lodged in my side. I cried and shook with the terror that had overcome my body. I got up feeling the pain in my side as I to my room and grabbed my bag.

I had packed a bag for when I was going to run away. I never used it, but it has been sitting under my bed for the last two years. I always planned on running, but I had always talked myself out of it. Now, I had no doubts about running. I had stayed here for to long and I was done. 

I was done with the constant screaming and yelling. I was done with the constant pain he caused. I was done bottling it all up, and I was done with him. I ran to the front door with my backpack in hand and I kicked down the door not bothering with the handle.

I ran into the cold night away from the yelling and screaming. I winced with every step and tears were flowing down the sides of my cheeks. I ran with out stopping, until I reached a quiet alley and leaned against the wall. I lifted the side of my shirt and bit my lip looking at the blood. I opened my backpack and took out a bottle of water and a wash cloth. 

I poured the water on the wounds and bit my lip from the pain. Some of the glass and blood washed off. I put the water bottle down and started to pull the pieces of glass out one by one. Pain shot through my body with every tiny shard. I continued to pull each on out for about another hour.

When I had finally pulled them all out I grabbed the bottle of water again. I cleaned the wounds with the cloth. I wrapped one of the extra shirts I had around my waist tightly. I leaned against the dark alley wall and cried silently. 


The second blow knocked me out of my trance. His hand hit my jaw so hard it split open and started to bleed. I screamed yet again, but this time with anger. I will not give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. Never again. I growled at him and my body flooded with energy. I jumped up and knocked out the guards behind me in a few hits.

"Never. Again." I growled and flung myself at my father.

The bodyguards grabbed me before I could lay a finger on him. I wanted to kill him, watch that little bastard suffer. My energy was running out, but my anger wasn't. 

I endured each hit losing my energy to scream. When he had finished with his entertainment he stepped back and they dragged me into a black car. We drove to an abandoned warehouse and they threw my in a new cage. This one was smaller, but still the same metal material. 

I closed my eyes feeling tired from all the events that had happened today. I drifted off to sleep laying on the cold cement floor.


I really need to cut down on the length of these chapters. :/



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