Air Freshener

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Swan sighed and sat on the edge of the apartment building we were standing on. I followed and sat down next to her with our feet dangling off the side of the building. There were so many questions swirling in my head. 

"What do you want to know?" Swan sighed.

"First of all, what were you doing with Commissioner Gordon?" I questioned.

She roller her eye, "First of all, don't treat me like some low life you need information from. And to answer your question, we're friends." she simply said.

"Look lying to me now isn't going to do much." I reasoned.

"I'm not lying." she said coldly. 

She was looking over the city. I couldn't see her eyes or her face. Did she really know Gordon personally? How did Batman get answers? I'm never going to be as good as him. I internally sighed. 

"How do you know him?" I pushed.

"He's an old family friend, my dad used to be good friends with him. Gordon was the one who taught me all the basics of combat." she stated bluntly.

That was a lot more than I thought I was going to get out of her, to be honest. Note to self: get a full list of Gordon's old friends. That was going to be a long list, but at least it was narrowed down.

"Can I go home now?" she said bored.

I smirked, "Of course, I'll give you an escort like Gordon said. Where to?" I said slyly.

"Actually, you can tag along... if you can keep up." she laughed and ran off. 

She swung to the next roof using her whip and ran across swiftly. I let out my famous laugh into the night and ran after her. What? I could have a little fun every once in awhile right? Plus this would take me to her house if I could 'keep up'. My plan was to 'lose' her, loosely follow, and then find her house. 

She scaled the roof tops and I slowed down to let her out of my sight. I followed silently for a few more blocks and watched as she dropped into an alley. I walked up to the edge of the building to see Swan checking her surroundings. I pulled my head back when she looked up and hoped she hadn't seen me. 

I heard a scraping noise and decided to peer over the edge again. Swan was pushing a dumpster out of the way to reveal a door. She can't seriously be telling me that she lives behind a dumpster. She grabbed a key from one of her many pants pockets. She unlocked the door and walked inside.

I pulled up the structure's blue prints on my wrist computer. It was an old hotel far away from the center of town, but still in Gotham City. They had old ventilation shafts that were big enough to crawl through. Batman always said, 'Never enter a building you can't escape'. 

The hotel was only 25 stories high and it still had a fire escape. I climbed down the old fire escape to the third floor. I crawled into one of the broken windows and landed on the squeaky floor. I ripped off the gate to the ventilation shafts and started crawling. I took two rights and a left and slid down a shaft taking me to the first floor. I peered down a the dim lit room where Swan was.

She was sitting a few pillows and blankets. There wasn't a bed or any furniture in the room besides a cluttered coffee table. It had a few knifes and other hand to hand combat weapons. There was bug killer and an air freshener spray laying on the small wooden table. It was horrible, there was no way she lived in this condition every day. Did she?

She grabbed the air freshener and started filling the room with the spray. She looked up, still spraying the room, and saw me in the vents. She grabbed three of the knifes and threw them at the ceiling's vents. It sliced the vent around me and I came crashing to the ground. She then sprayed the air freshener in my eyes. 

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