Run Away to the Circus

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Alfred places a bowl of soup in front of each one of us. The table we're sitting at is so long I can barely see Bruce Wayne sitting at the other end. I remember my manners taking my elbows off the table and placing the napkin on my lap. Bruce Wayne picks up his spoon to start eating letting me know it is okay to start the meal. The room has an eerie silence to it and it makes me uneasy.

I check my surroundings out of habit making sure I have eyes on the entire room. To my left is a wall made of glass looking out over the front lawn. The table is polished wood and so are the chairs. There is a red velvet table runner, but bedsides that the room is rather empty.

"So how was your day Master Dick?" Alfred says breaking the silence.

"It was great, Kayo and I are science partners and we basically finished the entire project that is due in a week. She is a science genius." Dick complemented.

"Thanks Dick, but you should really see Dick in French class. He's fluent in so many languages I can't even count them all. He was helping me study for a test tomorrow." I stated looking to Alfred. 

I was still scared to look the at the billionaire sitting across from me. Alfred smiled at me then began to eat again. I did the same and did everything in power not to make any noises while eating. The soup was so warm and delicious, I don't know how Alfred does it.

"So Ms. Swiftlet, do you do any activites outside of school?" he asked casually.

Yes I do, I am a wanted criminal and work for Penguin. I am a wanted suspect, and every night I steal under a swan mask. I learned gymnastics and hand-to-hand combat from the police commissioner, street fights, and Catwoman. I know 67 ways to kill or neutralize an opponent in 7 seconds and I sleep with a knife under my pillow. I have mastered the practice of escapology and the art of street conning. 

"Yes, I do gymnastics and play volleyball." I replied shyly. 

"You seem to like birds. I saw your artwork it was really good." he pointed out.

"Oh uh, thanks. I find birds fascinating. I have a few as pets actually." I explained trying to start a conversation.

Instead he just nodded his head and stood up from the table. He left back to wherever his office was and I sighed. He was never going to like me. Dick said he didn't like anyone, yet it still was sad. I wasn't a people person either and I never let others get close, but I wasn't rude about it. Plus I had to keep my happy, cheery cover. I could obviously tell Bruce didn't trust me, so I just shrugged it off and finished my dinner.

"Thank you for dinner Alfred, it was delicious." I thanked.

I stood up from my chair and picked up my plate. I turned around heading back to the kitchen. I placed the bowl in the sink and washed it with the soup and sponge sitting on the counter. 

"What are you doing?" Alfred asked.

"You work to hard Alfred. At least let me clean up after myself." I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Oh my goodness!" I blurted out suddenly.

I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and dialed Penguin's number. I forgot to tell him I was here! He was going to kill me without asking him first. 

"Where are you!" Penguin yelled over the phone.

"I went to a friend's house. Did you not get my text?" I asked innocently.

"What text!?" he growled.

"It must have not sent, but I did text you." I lied.

He sighed, "Next time call! You have a job tomorrow, come home now." he said sternly and hung up.

I turned my phone off and looked at Dick. He looked at me with his head slightly tilted and his brow furrowed. 

"Uh.... Overprotective dad." I said simply.

He nodded and ran to grab my books and bags for me. I slung one of the straps over my shoulder and turned towards the door. I opened the door only to find that it was pouring rain. Great, just great. 

"You don't think I am going to let you walk home in that weather?" Dick said sarcastically behind me.

"Don't worry I have a raincoat, I'll be fine." I said.

I couldn't let him drive me home. 'Home' as in a warehouse filled with weapons and birds. 'Home' was where I slept in a cage at night. 'Home' was not something I could allow Dick to see. I quickly threw on my raincoat and ran out the door before he could protest. 

"Bye Dick thanks for everything. I'll see ya tomorrow in school." I yelled over my shoulder. 

I waved behind me and ran down the slippery steps. I booked it down the street and ran into a few dog walkers. I was panting and sweating when I reached the warehouse. I unlocked the back door to find Penguin lounging on a chair sipping a cup of tea. 

I ripped the raincoat off and threw my backpack against my cage. I flipped my shoes off and raced to the table. I looked at the blue prints and instructions. I was looking through a collection of pictures in an envelope when Penguin walked over.

"There is a circus coming to town and their first performance will be on Friday night." Penguin explained.

"And you want me to make a deal with a performer on the train who smuggles weapons." I finished for him. 

"Precisely." he agreed.

"So what I'm reading is you want me to go under cover just for the night as a new act. Do you think they will except me? What would I even perform?" I asked.

"The circus always picks up random acts for only one night, you would be no exception. You will go undercover as a bird trainer. I can lend you any type of birds you want and you will control them with your Mad Hatter device. Keep the swan mask on at all times, it will be your costume." Penguin explained.

I was going to be in the circus. I laughed at this thought, running away to the circus. I planned for the rest of the night and went to bed. My two weeks were over and Batman would be expecting an answer. I added an extra 30 minutes to the mission so I could go to the Bat-signal in secret.

I had already talked the matter over with Penguin. I knew what my choice was, but was it the right one?


Relating to the circus smuggler later in the season if you didn't catch that. This is before the FBI and Justice League suspect anything about the smuggler's patterns.



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