Shiitake Mushrooms

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The cool breeze rushed inside as I slipped out and shut the window. I stood on the slim ledge and grabbed my whip from it's resting place. I wrapped it would the fire escape on the building next door and swung to the latter.

I clung to the whip as I pulled myself over the metal ledge and landed quietly on my feet. I climbed up the latters and sat on top of the short building. My feet dangled over the edge as I looked out over the city.

Penguin would expect me back soon, but I still had about 30 minutes before I had to start heading back. I just enjoyed the view of the city lights and the cars honking. I looked down to see a rubber ball roll into the street. There was a girl running after it right into traffic.

Without thinking twice I jumped down from the building I was perched on. I ran right for the girl screaming for her to stop running. She looked up and stopped in the middle of the street. A truck started honking, he was moving quickly in order to stop in time. I jumped over the hood of a moving car and launched myself at the girl.

I covered her face and chest as we tumbled back onto the sidewalk. The truck zipped past us a second later. The girl started to scream and cry as I carried her to a lighted alley.

"Monster! Stay away!" she screamed.

I ripped of my mask showing her my face. She only had a few scratches on her knee, but nothing serious. I sat her down on an empty crate in the alley. She had bright blue eyes and thin dirty blond hair. I placed a hand on each of her shoulders gently. She was so scared of me in my mask, it scared me. Was I really a monster to her? To everyone? 

"It's ok! It's ok. Look it's just me." I comforted.

She slowly stopped crying as looked at me. Her eyes were filled with tears and fear. Her hands shook as she touched my face, as if to make sure it was real. Then she surprised me when she wrapped her arms round my neck and cried. I kneeled there like an idiot for a moment until I realized what she was doing and hugged her back.

She was so fragile and light as lifted the crying girl back to the sidewalk. I rubbed her back unsure of how to comfort the sad girl. I walked her back to the house that she ran from and rang the doorbell. A woman answered the door with terror in her eyes.

When she layed eyes on the girl in my arms she started to cry. I handed the delicate girl over to her mother gently. She smiled at me with out words and I saw gratitude in her eyes. I simply nodded, at a loss of words myself and walked back to the alley to grab my mask.

I bent down to pick up my mask when I heard someone behind me. I put my mask on and whipped around with both fists up. There was a figure standing in the shadows but I couldn't make out who it was.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"Stand down." the deep male voice ordered calmly.

I didn't move from my fighting stance and held my ground.

"Come into the light." I commanded the shadowy figure.

"We need to talk," he stepped into the light, "Kayo Cobblepot." the intimidating voice stated.

When the figure stepped into the light, I had to suppress a gasp. The light reflected off of his cowl. His cape seemed to flutter behind him despite the lack of wind. He had a strong build and a yellow belt. 

Batman. Holy shhhhh...shiitake mushrooms.


Batman knows all. Nothing gets past the greatest detective to ever live.

Is this too short? I don't know what the length of a good chapter should be.



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