Bird Betrayal

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The circus last night left me in a pretty bad mood. When I woke up this morning Bruce was already gone and I had to get to Mount Justice in an hour. I always go to the circus in honor of my parents. This time, I just didn't expect to see Swan there. 

I barely got any sleep trying to rack my mind of all the reasons Swan would be in the circus. I asked Bruce, but just shrugged and said it was the teams mission. I was going to have the tell the team about Swan's performance without telling them why I was there. 

I got out of bed and got into my uniform. I zetaed to Mount Justice because Batman said it was safe, which I didn't believe one bit. We didn't say it was out hideout, but Penguin now knew we used it. But I wasn't in the mood to argue with Batman. 

"Hey Rob." Wally said sitting on the couch.

"Hey KF." I responded not realizing the sadness dripping from my voice.

"You okay there Robin? You seem gloomier than usual." he joked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was just a long night, which reminds me. Is everyone here? I have new information on Swan." I assured.

"They're in the briefing room." he gestured down the hall.

We both walked to the conference room to see the rest of the team talking about who knows what. I pulled up my new set of information and the rest of the team quieted down.

"Yesterday, Swan was spotted performing in an act in the circus." I pulled up a video of the act, "This could mean she has some connection to the circus. This means we have a - " I was cut off by the zeta beam.

"Batman 02. Override Swan B00." the zeta beam announced.

Swan!? I don't understand why would see be coming through a zeta tube? Why is she with Batman? How did she hack the security systems? I quickly pushed these thoughts out of my head as she appeared next to Batman.

I pulled out two birdarangs and threw them at Swan. She quickly rolled out of the way and jumped back to her feet. She mumbled something under her breath and reached for her whip. I reached for my taser and another birdarang.

"Stand down! Both of you!" Batman ordered.

I put my birdarangs away and placed my taser back into my utility belt. To my surprise, Swan listened and released her grip n the whip.

"What is Swan doing at Mount Justice?" Aqualad asked confused.

"Team, meet your newest member." Batman stated.

The whole room erupted into questions and protests. Wally was talking a mile a minute while Aqualad was trying to use logic and reasoning. Superboy was yelling something about trust and M'gann was asking so many questions with a confused look on her face. Artemis was also yelling at how insane the situation was and I found my self joining her. Swan was leaning against the wall with a smirk on her face.

"Silence!" Batman yelled in his deep voice.

The room became silent, even Wally didn't dare speak. He all stood there eyeing Swan and Batman. None of it made any sense.

"Swan is joining the team and that is final."

"How can we trust a criminal? Isn't this the girl you sent us to track down?" Artemis blurted out not being able to control her anger.

"She has made her decision to betray Penguin and help us. She was capable of taking on all of you at once. She has proven that she has the skills needed for the job. I trust her and you should too." he replied simply.

"We don't even know who she is. How are we supposed to trust her?" Wally asked.

"You trust Robin, don't you?" he paused and studied the Team, "There are no missions at the moment. I want you all to get comfortable with each other. If you have anything to say about this you can talk to me personally." He finished coldly and zetaed out of the cave without another word.

*I don't trust her.* M'gann said linking us up.

*Shocker.* Artemis said sarcastically.

*She is a criminal, the bad guy. She should be behind bars! Why is Batman trusting her?* Superboy said irritated.

*Batman must know her secret identity. This could give us a lead to her true identity.* Aqualad reasoned.

*Well, what do we do with her now?* Wally asked.

*I think we should try trusting her.* I responded.

*I don't think I heard you correctly, did you say to trust her Batboy?* Wally asked.

*Batman trusts her and I trust Batman. This does not mean let your guard down.* I explained.

*We should at least give her a chance. Keep an open mind.* Aqualad agreed.

We all turned to Swan, but she was busy messing with the pop up computer. 

"What do you think you're doing?" Superboy growled.

"You haven't learned my identity yet. So far you have no leads except the circus." she laughed, "Let's keep it that way." she mocked. 

Superboy was about to tackle her to the ground, but Kaldur and Wally held him back. 

"Let's start with a tour of Mount Justice." M'gann offered. 

After a boring tour and studying Swan for hours, we walked back to the living room. She showed no emotions, she was like a robot. I obviously knew she was organic because M'gann could get into her mind. 

"Black Canary 13." the zeta beam announced. 

We all new what that meant, training. We all walked into the training room and brought Swan with us. We walked in to find Canary smiling. She still had her jacket on and wasn't turning on the training simulator. 

Oh no, there is only one thing worse than training. 'Therapy sessions' is what I liked to call them. She talked with us one on one for a few minutes. 

She did the same exact thing after that horrible training simulation accident. After that she decided it would be a great idea to make them a regular thing. I had no doubt that this particular session was going to be about our new team member.

"Robin you're first." Canary commanded and I followed her into a closed off room.

"Remember nothing leaves this room, so you can tell me anything." she explained.

I simply nodded and started at the wall.

"Do you trust Swan?" she asked.

"No." I stated bluntly.

"Why not?" she pressed.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's the fact that we don't know her real identity. Or maybe it's because our mission was to put her behind bars. Or better yet, because she tried to kill us!" I said angered and let the sarcasm drip from my voice.

"The rest of the team trusts you, but they don't know who you are." she tried to reason.

"I'm a hero and I have proven myself to be one. I trust Batman, and I'm trying to keep an open mind. The problem is that she hasn't proven herself to be a hero. She's a criminal, plain and simple." I shot back bitterly.

"Then give her a chance to prove herself. I'm not asking you to instantly trust her, I don't even fully trust her myself, but I'm willing to give her a chance. That will be all, call Aqualad in here." Black Canary explained.

I huffed and barged my way out of the room. I told Kaldur he's next and walked to my room. I didn't live here, I slept at Wayne Manor. This room was just for me just in case something happened and I needed a place to stay. I needed some time to think, alone. I layed on the bed and let the thoughts mix in my head. Batman's not going to tell me her secret identity, so I'll just have to figure it out myself.


Save us all from Robin's sarcasm.



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