Wayne Manor

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I leaned against the wall next to the south door. I scanned each face that walked through, but none of them belonged to Kayo. Did she ditch me? It wouldn't be the first time, I'm not great at keeping friends since I am never around during study halls and sometimes lunch. Batman and I are always connected, so that if he needs me I can be there.

I sighed, it has been 10 minutes since the bell, she isn't coming. I push myself off the wall and start to trudge to the car Alfred must be waiting in. It's not that I'm surprised or anything, just a little disappointed. 

"Dick! Where do you think your going?" yelled a familiar voice.

I whipped around with a big smile on my face. She was running towards me despite her heavy backpack. She had a drawing in her hand. On the canvas was a beautiful little robin with a worm in it's mouth hanging onto a branch.

We had art class together, but we didn't sit next to each other. I never saw her painting until now. The feathers were each brush strokes giving the picture texture and bringing it to life. I loved it even more since it was, well, a robin and I'm Robin. I think you get my drift.

"I almost thought you weren't coming." I replied.

"Oh ya, sorry I'm late I had to pick up my art project." she apologized, gesturing to the canvas in her hand.

"No worries, come on!" I motioned towards the car. 

I ran up to a black vintage mustang and Kayo followed. I tapped on the glass and the window rolled down to reveal a man. He was an older man with visible wrinkles and had a suit on with a black bow tie. His hair was mostly white, but you could see strands of brown hair in the mix. 

He gave me a kind smile, but when he peeked behind me he grinned even wider. He quickly exited the car and ran to the side we were standing on. He opened the side door and gave a small bow. 

"Ladies first." Alfred offered.

I looked over at Kayo and the expression on her face was priceless. It was a mixture of shock and amazement. She stood like that gaping at the car and Alfred before regaining her composure. Kayo did a small curtsy and giggled.

"Why thank you sir." she smiled.

"You're welcome Miss." he replied.

Kayo stepped into the car and I stepped in after her taking a seat. Alfred jumped back into the driver's seat and drove off.

"This is amazing! I feel like a queen." she squealed and gaped at the car's interior design.

"Master Dick, would you like to introduce me to your new friend?" he asked politely. 

"Oh, uh, right. This is Kayo Swiftlet she is in all of my morning classes." I turned to Kayo, "And Kayo this is Alfred, our butler." I introduce the two.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Swiftlet." Alfred said into the rear view mirror with a smile. 

"Oh please, just call me Kayo and the pleasure is all mine Alfred." Kayo responded politely. 

"Did you make that in art class?" he gestured to the painting in her hands.

"Yep!" she said popping the 'p'.

I smiled and leaned back onto the soft leather seats of the car. Kayo seemed so happy that someone was asking about her day. Her eyes just seemed to light up at the question. Don't her parents always ask her about school and was she always this excited? Unless... they don't.

Now that I think about it, I don't know anything about Kayo's background. She never really mentions her family or life outside of school. I wasn't going to search her up on the database like a stalker. I wanted to be normal for once and learn more about her by talking to her.

"If I may, why a robin?" Alfred asked raising an eyebrow and looked at me.

Kayo shrugged, "I love birds so much, I mean my last name is 'Swiftlet'. Robin's are always alert and restless. It's so cute when their heads pop up every time they hear a noise and when their tail twitches." she said excitedly.

Alfred smiled, but not at her, at me through the mirror. I gave him a questioning look, but he just glued his eyes back to the road.

"Master Bruce is in his office. I think he would like to speak with you." Alfred said with his eyes still on the road.

I knew when said 'office' he really meant the Batcave. I gluped, Bruce is not going to be happy. Kayo looked at me concerned and opened her mouth to say something, but she was stopped.

The car had pulled into a large driveway in front of a huge mansion. Home, sweet home. We all hopped out of the car, Alfred opening the door for the girl. Once Kayo looked up she let a gasp escape from her lips. She was in awe at the size of Wayne Manor. Her mouth was moving struggling to find the right words.

"You might want to close your mouth before it catches flies." I joked. 

She crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at me playfully. We both laughed at her childish behavior and walked up to the door. Alfred held the door while we walked in. I turned to see Kayo's eyes light up as she took it all in. 

The red carpet that flowed down the polished wooden steps. The fire place and all the pictures on the walls. The kitchen had a marble counter with a colorful vase at it's center. I still remember the first time I walked into Wayne Manor, I did the exact same thing.

"Master Dick needs to take care of some business with Master Bruce. You can stay in the kitchen and make yourself at home." Alfred said to Kayo. 

All she could do was nod and run to the kitchen after taking off her shoes at the door. I walked up to the grandfather clock and slipped into the Batcave. I walked down the steps to see Bruce typing away on his computer. He didn't even glance up at me, but he knew of my presence.

"Is there something you need Dick?" Bruce asked, eyes still glued to the computer screen.

"Uh.... I.... might have, possibly....," I stuttered, "brought a friend to the manor without your permission." I said extremely fast and glued my eyes to the ground.

"Name." he stated.

"Kayo." I replied to his statement.

He stopped typing abruptly and looked me dead in the eye. I gulped and tried to stay calm, but his glare was burning right though me. His body seemed to tense and he stood from his chair. 

"I guess I'll have to meet your new friend." he said calmly.

He was so calm it scared me. The collar of my shirt started to feel like it was choking me. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and studied my shoes as we walked up to the main floor. I am so screwed.


It's Batdad, everyone should be scared. XD



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