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Artemis and I were hiding behind a thick area of greenery. I looked over at the worried look on Artemis' face. It was still weird to know that she was supposedly one of my best friends, but she didn't know who I really was. 

I sighed, "Look Artemis, I know all about your family. Cheshire, Sportsmaster, Huntress, I get it." I confessed.

Her eyes grew wide, "How did you find out! Oh, it doesn't matter now, but you can't tell the rest of the team. Please, they would never trust me again. Wait, what do you mean you get it? Who are you related too?" she ranted.

"Relax, I wasn't planning on telling anyone anything." she sighed and still gave me a curious look, "I think my history can be revealed over time. You have your secret disfunctional family, I have mine. Let's keep it that way." I replied.

She nodded and leaned against a tree trunk. She looked deep in thought and it became eerily quiet. Artemis finally broke out of her trance and turned towards me.

"I don't know who you are or why you are here. You may have the rest of the team fooled, but I know betrayal when I see it. My only question is why. What could be better than the life we have given you here? You have everything you will ever want or need. Why throw it away?" she asked truthfully.

"I really wish I could tell you, but I can't. There's more to me than a petty thief, you'd be surprised." I laughed a little trying to lighten the mood.

She nodded solemnly and was about to lean back against the tree trunk again when we heard Superboy. We weren't really paying attention to the link so we were unsure of what was going on. All we knew was that Sueprboy was in trouble and we needed to help him.

Helping the team wasn't so bad and I would actually love it if I was really apart of the team. I've only done anything for survival and the team would provide all the necessities. All they ask for in return is for me to fight crime, which would be much better than being a criminal. 

I just can't. Penguin has to much control, he knows too much. I can't have any delusional thoughts running through my mind. Not with my father in contact with Penguin, not with my life on the line. It was like a game of poker. I had a bad hand and I wasn't about to bet my chips on it.

We ran through the trees silently until we reached the source of the sound. Superboy was currently dismantling a forklift and M'gann was fighting off the guards. Robin was taking on Cheshire while Aqualad was handling Sportsmaster. Kid Flash was disarming the guards and destroying the packages.

Inside the crates seemed to be a bunch of capsules containing a vibrant indigo liquid. Venom. I've seen this stuff on the streets of Gotham before. It always seemed like the big gangs really wanted to get their hands on the stuff. I knew it was a strength enhancing substance that when taken by the user would give them almost triple the muscle mass. 

I knew it's chemical compound since Mr. Freeze had me run a few tests on it for training. When I tested it the stuff it had a dull look to it. This stuff looked more vibrant. It must be a mixture of Venom and some other nasty drugs. 

*Took you guys long enough.* Wally commented.

*Excuse me Bonfire, but - * Artemis started to argue.

*We don't have time for that now.* Aqualad cut in.

*Fine. I'll help you with Sportsmaster, Swan help Robin with Cheshire.* Artemis commanded.

I nodded and looked at Artemis she already had an arrow set on her bow. There was rage in her eyes as she pulled back and released the arrow. I didn't have time to see where it landed as I grabbed my whip in my right hand and gun in my left.

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