Lights Out

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I hate when Penguin would do this. He would send me off on little missions at the last second. I suited up and made sure I had the flash drive before I left. I walked to the headquarters, even though it was far I was thankful for the freedom. 

I jumped from roof to roof flying like, well, a bird. I grabbed my whip and swung down to the lower buildings and climbed up the higher ones. A smile broke out on my face. This is freedom.

The cold air whipped my hair around, but I loved it. I climbed onto a higher building and searched the area for any pedestrians. The sidewalks were clear, but the cars flew down the road. In Gotham, no one is brave enough to stop their car and watch. If I stayed above the street lights I could go undetected.

I jumped on the closest light pole and held on for dear life. I then took in a deep breath and threw myself to the other one. I lost my grip a little making me have to hang from the light. I quickly swung myself back on top of the light and hoped no one saw me or cared.

I then jumped on top of the headquarter's roof and landing with a roll in order to soften the landing. I looked down each side of the building looking for an open window. Bingo! There was a window open on the top floor making it easy for me to swing in. The lights were off in the room, most likely an office. 

The top floors were empty since they were only offices, but I had to be really careful near the bottom floors. I rushed down the stairs swiftly, but silently. All the lights were off so all the cameras saw were black screens. 

I knew the building like the back of my hand. The cameras did not have thermal sensors or night vision. I knew all of this from my childhood when I would come here every weekend and roam the halls. Running up and down the stairs felt so familiar.... so comforting. 

I finally got to the third floor and slowed down. The police main offices and workers have to always be on full alert. Dad used to work night shifts and he would tell me all these amazing stories about his job. 

I was still shaken by my father's reappearance and beating, but I pushed that out of my mind. I pushed it into the cage where the other horrid memories were kept. I locked them in, but they always seemed to escape, bringing back the fear and rage that came with them.

I went back up one flight of stairs to the fourth floor and shut down all the power in the building. There was a power switch on the fourth floor in the seventh room down the hall. Once the buildings power went out I sped through the halls.

The confusion and darkness let me easily sneak past workers and staff. I knew exactly where the commissioner's office was. I ran down to the second floor and ran down the hall. I knew Gordon wasn't here since he always took off a little early to eat dinner with his family. 

He always told me that family was the number one thing in life. No matter what you do or where you are, family comes first. So I ran into the room without a doubt and shut the door behind me. I saw that the lights in the hallways had turned back on through the door cracks. I locked the door keeping the lights off in the room to not draw unwanted attention.

I rebooted the computer and inserted the flash drive. Penguin said it would be about ten minutes so I walked around. The room was dimly lit by the computer screen so I could see the pictures on the walls. He had placed family photo on his desk that had a wooden frame. I walked a long the walls of the room studying each certificate and the pictures that were hung. 

There was a small picture in the corner of the room that took the air from my lungs. In the wooden frame was a little girl hanging onto Gordon's arm. She had a smile plastered on her face, as did Gordon. She had charcol black hair and eyes just like mine, but it wasn't me. I was so happy and carefree for what felt like decades ago. Her eyes glowed and shone like little suns. 

A quiet ding came from the computer. The flash drive had gotten past the computer's firewalls. All I had to do was delete the files and shut the computer back down. I took in one last comforting breath of the place I knew so well before I opened the window. 


Jim Gordon!!! There is no Batman without him. :D



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