Losers Can't Be Choosers

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"Get up. You don't want to be late for you first day of school." Penguin chirped.

I pulled my self up groggily and groaned. I was still sore from the beating two days ago. He threw me my uniform through the cage and opened the door. The room my cage was in had no windows and was about the size of a bus. There was two doors, one guarded by two guards and another that led to the bathroom.

I jumped into the shower and had a cold, refreshing shower. I am still thankful I have running water. I dried off with the towel hanging in the bathroom and blow dried my hair. I changed into the uniform. 

It was a simple navy blue skirt that went down to my knees and a white collared shirt. I grabbed a pair of black gym shoes and put on some make up to hide the bruises on my face. I sighed as I took a long hard look at myself in the dirty mirror. What have I become?

I fixed my long brown hair into a ponytail, while letting my side bangs hang down. I walked back into my room completely refreshed. Penguin had explained everything to me in the previous days. I was to go to school and come straight back home. I was allowed to hang out with others to keep my cover, but I needed to let Penguin know before I left. I was to stay under the radar and try to go unnoticed. 

We had moved to a warehouse that was a little farther away from Gotham Academy than the Iceberg Lounge. Our location was compromised so we had to move, but I would still be walking.

I grabbed the keys Penguin had given me the other day to the warehouse. I slung the navy blue backpack with school supplies already in it over my shoulder and walked out the door. It was about a 15 minute walk from the warehouse to Gotham Academy (GA). 

The front lawn was filled with new freshmen. I walked through the gates of the rich kid school and sat on the lawn in the corner. I opened my backpack looking to see what Penguin had given me for my first day. 

There were a few folders and textbooks along with a pencils and pens. There was a computer in a case and a five dollar bill for lunch money. What got me excited was the phone. It had a white case and it looked brand new. 

There wasn't a lock on it so I decided to explore it. There weren't any games or anything like that obviously, but I could call and text people from it. I put the device back in my bag and studied the other freshmen on the lawn. 

There weren't many of them since GA was a private school. All the girls were wearing the same outfit I was and the boys were wearing the same white collared shirts with GA's symbol on it just like the girls. They were wearing navy blue, long khakis with shiny black dress shoes. 

The bell rang and I walked inside with the rest of the crowd. I looked at the schedule that Penguin had given me. 'Homeroom 207' it read, so I headed to the second floor and found the room easily. I plopped down in a seat in the back of the classroom. The teacher walked in and sat on top of his desk.

"Hello class, you will becoming to my room first thing in the morning for the rest of the year. Pick up all of your stuff and stand against the wall, you will given an assigned seat." the teacher announced.

He had a tan pair of khakis on with a red polo on. He had dirty blond hair and brown eyes. He started to rattle off names and pointing at seats.

"Kayo Swiftlet." he called and pointed to a seat near the windows.

I sighed and went to sit at my new desk. Penguin and his birds, I swear. I needed a new last name since Penguin didn't want anyone to know we were related. Swiftlet was now my new last name, but I had to keep my first name the same just in case anyone new me from the Iceberg Lounge. A swiftlet is a small bird that can fly at high speeds. Some species even used echolocation to navigate and hunt. What? I know my birds, okay.

Once we were all seated the teacher walked back to the front of the class.

"Hello freshmen class, I am - " he started.

He never got to finish because the door swung open. In the doorway I saw a boy with his hair gelled down and a clean pressed uniform. He awkwardly walks into the classroom with all heads turned towards him. 

"S-sorry I couldn't find the classroom." he stuttered.

What a dork. Kayo, be nice! I scold myself and turn back to face the teacher. I looked out the window at the sunny sky and green grass on the field. There was a hawk circling in the sky, probably hunting a field mouse. It was all so peaceful, but I was snapped out of my thoughts when the teacher spoke again.

"You must be Mister" he looks at his list, "Grayson, you will be sitting behind Miss Swiftlet."

Great. Now I have to sit in front of a complete nerd. Kayo, what did we talk about! I scold myself for the second time. The boy waddles over and all the eyes in the classroom travel with him. He flashes me a quick smile and then it hits me. Grayson, that smile, and his clean pressed uniform! 

He was Bruce Wayne's son, Dick Grayson! I served him one night at the Iceberg Lounge. I didn't even recognize him because at school looked like a complete nerd. Kayo, what did we talk about! I scold myself for the third time. 

Losers can't be choosers. That was how the saying went right?


I forgot to say this in the beginning of the book, so I will say it now. If you find any spelling or grammar mistakes please let me know! I will always go back and fix it. :)

Look up swiftlets, they're pretty cool!



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