Offers & Offenders

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I was a about to attack when he moved out of the way. I threw a few punches knowing I had no chance against the Detective, but I wasn't going down without a fight. He easily blocked my punches, but didn't fight back. I swept my leg, he simply jumped. When he was in mid air I pivoted on the foot I had just kicked him with and slammed him in the stomach with my other foot.

He was in midair so he couldn't hang onto anything and was off balance. He rolled on the ground and jumped back up in a matter of seconds. I was ready for him when he started to throw punches. It was like a little deadly dance. One wrong step and I was a goner.

"I didn't want to fight you." he grunted.

"Neither did I, but I'm not going to stand around while I am captured." I shot back.

He through a net in my direction, but I managed to dodge the flying web by jumping on a dumpster. I launch myself at the Caped Crusader and some how knocked him to the ground. At least I had a standing chance, right? I tried to be positive, but I knew he would catch me. The hero always caught the villain, it's how the story goes.

He got up and threw bat-bolas around my body and legs. I sighed in defeat, but we all knew it was coming. Now he was going to lock me away in Arkham with all the other crazies, he probably thought I would fit in. I'm pretty sure I already have a cell waiting for me.

"I had my suspicions Silver Swan was in fact, Kayo Cobblepot, Penguin's niece. I wanted to see if the team could figure it our on their own. You sent them on quite the goose chase, or should I say swan chase. You lied through the lasso of truth which was.... surprising. You avoided M'gann's mind reading and took on the whole team at once." He started to explain.

"Look, I already told your sidekick that I don't need protection." I spat.

"I just saw you save that little girl back there. I saw your face which confirmed my theory. I'm not here to offer you protection, you can obviously take care of yourself." He answered.

"So then why are you here?" I said calmly.

"I need your help." he stated.

I laughed, "Don't you have the entire Justice League to help you?" I asked.

"I need you join the Team." he stated.

I tilted my head back and laughed bluntly at him. When I look at his face, their wasn't a trace of sarcasm getting me worried. I needed to buy myself some time. I was already working on cutting the ropes with Riddler's bracelet. He needed me to be apart of the Team, I don't understand. He has been trying to rid Gotham of crime. Why was he going to keep a dangerous burglar loose on the streets if he could stop me right here and now? Trying to turn criminals good never works out. I thought he would have learned his lesson after Catwoman.

"I want you to join the Team. You are obviously capable of great fates. With you on the Team, they will be stronger. They can also gain experience by working with an ex-con." he explained.

"Give me one good reason on why should I help you?" I questioned.

I was still wrapped in the tough ropes. This situation had the word 'TRAP' written all over it in bright red letters. I studied the Dark Night, but he showed no signs of emotion. His body was calm and still, his face was covered and hard to read.

"I know you are being forced to commit these crimes. I can see the regret and guilt in your eyes. I must say you are hiding it quite well, but I have been at this game for years. It will all make sense in the end. Right now, you can discuss the subject with Penguin. I hope you make the right choice Ms. Cobblepot." he advised.

"And how do I know you aren't just going to turn me in for my crimes?" I growled.

I jumped up from cutting the ropes and let him see the anger in my eyes. I was angry that he could read me so well. I trained so hard to hide my emotions and he saw through me right away. I jumped back into my fighting stance, but didn't attack.

"If I was going to turn you in, I would have done it already. I will give you two weeks to make a decision." he told me.

"How will I contact you?" I asked.

"You know where the Bat-signal is, seeing that you just were in Gotham's police headquarters." he replied.

He saw me in there, but wasn't going to stop me or ask what I was doing. What was this man's deal? He sent the Team to track me down, but now he was just going to let me off the hook. What did he want with me? He knew my secret identity, that's no secret anymore. He probably already knows everything about me. But if I took this deal I could get closer to Batman and the Junior Justice League and plot against them. It sounds crazy, that's why I need to discuss it with Penguin when I get back. He's either furious or worried that I'm extremely late.

"I hope you make the right choice." he said in a scary voice.

He grabbed a gun from his belt and I was about to disarm him when he pointed the gun towards the sky. He pulled the trigger and a rope shot out and latched onto the roof of the one of the buildings. He quickly was pulled up by the device and vanished into the night.

I was going to run after him, but it had been 20 minutes and I needed to start heading back. I didn't have to work on weekdays anymore since I started school. Thank goodness I got a break from the Iceberg Lounge, if I inhaled any more cigarette smoke I think I would have passed out.

Now I had a bigger problem on my hands. Batman wanted my help. I can't believe I am actually considering this crazy idea. I need to talk it over with Penguin, but what if I took up the deal? What would become of me, battling between good and evil? I shivered at the thought and scaled the roofs of buildings all the way back to the warehouse.

Batman didn't want to turn me in or deseraptely needs my help. I can't help but think there is more to this offer. What does he want from me?


Shout out to @xsetafirex for supporting me and being a faithful reader and friend! :D



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