The Archer

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"She's kinda cute, don't you think?" Barbara whispered in my ear.

"Barbara!" I whisper-yelled. 

"What? I'm just saying." Barbara teased.

"She didn't go to any of the local schools, she's new. I'm just being nice." I whispered back seriously.

Robin didn't have time to have a crush on the new girl. Robin needed to stay focused if he was ever going to be a good superhero. And Robin was not going to get distracted by some random girl.

"Sure, you are." she joked and rolled her eyes.

I crossed my arms and huffed. She messed up my hair and walked to the lunch line. After we each bought lunch we headed outside to the courtyard. We walked over to our usual spot under one of the many trees that grew along the school gates. It was quiet and peaceful here, no one to bother us. 

I watched as Babs and Kayo had a conversation about their first day. I sat back and took a bite out of my ham sandwich. I wasn't really listening to the conversation because I was to busy thinking about the Team's new mission. 

Silver Swan was really throwing us off our game. Since she works for Penguin, she might be related to him. That would make sense considering her age and skills. I will search it up when I get to Mount Justice.



After a fun and relaxing lunch I headed to my next class, English. I walked into the classroom and sat in the back near a sunny window. A girl with long blond hair sat down right next to me when the teacher walked in. 

"Partner up with the person next to you and tell them three things you did over the summer." the teacher instructed.

I looked at the girl with the long blond hair and electric, gray eyes. She smiled when she swung around to face me. 

"My name's Artemis, I think I know you!" she said with a kind smile.

I smiled back, "I'm Kayo I think we met at the Iceberg Lounge, I must have waited your table." I said cheerfully.

I guessed I waited her table, but I really don't remember. Everyone seems to know me from there so I just went with it. What I did know was that she was part of the Team. She was Artemis the archer, Green Arrow's sidekick. Artemis was a Greek goddess that had a silver bow and arrow so the name fits her. She must have just changed schools because I had no idea she went to GA. This was perfect! I could now keep an eye on one of the Team's members. 

I still had no idea who Batman and Robin really were, though. They are super serious about this whole 'secret identity thing', but you can't blame them. Secrecy for superheroes is key, that way they can protect their real lives. They completely stumped me, it stumped Penguin too. 

"I'm a sophomore, just a year older than you, so it's been hard moving to a new school." Artemis explained.

"I know what you mean." I agreed.

"So over the summer I moved to a new house here in Gotham, duh. I traveled to Central City, that was super fun. I also practiced shooting my bow and arrow because I love archery." She ranted.

"Over the summer I moved houses twice and ended up here. I played with my pet birds and I slept." I explained.

She laughed at the last one and I smiled. I had two new friends and it was only the first day! Well, one of them was kind part of my job, but she was still a friend. At least my school life could be fun and carefree. I talked to Artemis for the rest of the day. It turned out we had all of our afternoon classes together and a lot in common. The rest of the day went by quickly and I couldn't wait for tomorrow. 

When the last bell rang I sighed. I don't think I have ever hated leaving school before. I walked back to the warehouse I call home and saw Penguin waiting for me. I gave him a questioning look at he gestured to the table behind him. He had blue prints on what looked to be a police station.

"There will be no planning this time, I have already done he work. I just need you to put the plan into action. This is Gotham's police headquarters and I need you to destroy two files. It is under the name Bob Kane and Bill Finger." he explained.

"Why do they want their names erased from Gotham's criminal files?" I asked.

"They want to stay under the radar. They are paying good money for it and that's all that matters to us. Use this," he produced a small flash drive from his pocket, "it will help you get past security firewalls. You still haven't been properly trained in the art of hacking so this will do the work for you." he explained.

"When's the job?" I asked.

"Now." he replied.


Bob Kane and Bill Finger anyone???



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