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"Hey Kayo." I said with a grin.

"Hey Dick, how was your weekend?" Kayo asked kindly.

"Amazing, I made a new friend in my tutoring classes." I lied.

It wasn't a complete lie, Swan did just join the team. I told Kayo I had tutoring classes almost everyday to explain my time at Mount Justice. I hated lying to her, since she was the only one who would put up with me.

The reason I never had that many friends was because I could never hang out. I always was at Mount Justice or on patrol with Batman. Although Kayo never seemed to mind. She new I had a busy life with my constant 'tutoring classes'. 

"What's her name?" she asked.

"How do you know it's a 'she'?" I asked surprised.

"By the look in your eyes." she laughed, "So is she nice? What's her name?" she questioned.

"She is... fun. Her name is S- Scarlet." I caught myself, "And I don't like her." I said sternly.

"Sure..." she roller her eyes, "Can I meet her?" she asked hopefully.

"Maybe one day... she isn't really a people person. Plus, I just met her this weekend." I explained.

Again not a total lie. Swan wasn't a people person and I hoped Kayo would be able to meet the team one day. Well I guess I could dream right? My only school friend who always put up with me didn't even know half of me.

"We should get to science class. We're getting our grades back for the last experiment." she suggested. 

"We already know we aced it, nerd." I said playfully shoving her as we walked down the hall.

"Well then let's at least find out what our next experiment is, dork." she reasoned a pushed me back.

We walked in and sat down at our usual station in the back. The teacher passed out the experiment directions and Kayo was already setting it up. I read the directions and instructed Kayo on what we needed to do. We were like to well oiled cogs working together as one. 


"5 minutes for clean up." the teacher announced. 

Kayo groaned, "We're not going to finish the experiment today. We still need to boil fraction 3." she said sadly.

"Stay traught, we still have the rest of the week to finish." I comforted.

She smiled, "I guess so. We should probably start cleaning then." she suggested.

We got busy cleaning up our station and packing our books and notes back into our backpacks. The rest of the day went by extremely fast with me and Kayo talking through the rest of our morning classes. We both already geniuses so there wasn't really a reason for us to listen to the lessons.


"Swan B00." the zeta beam announced.

We never really got around to giving her a number so we just kept it at B00. Swan materialized and stepped into the room. I was already waiting for her while lounging on the couch. 

"Beat ya." I teased.

"Don't we get out of school at the same time? Why are you always here before me?" she groaned.

"It's not my fault you're a snail." I laughed and she just glared.

"Let's just get to work." she mumbled.

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