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Batman walked us into the docking bay where the Bioship was held. His face was emotionless as he turned to face us.

"I want a full report on how Swan preformed. What fighting styles did she use? Did she listen to orders?" Batman asked.

"She listened to orders perfectly and didn't question anything. She was mostly silent and didn't use the mind links a lot. She needs to work on communication." Aqualad spoke up.

"She could use more communication, but she did well in combat." I added.

"What else?" Batman said while typing on his wrist holo.

"She knew my fighting styles and adjusted hers to fit mine. She knows that I usually work with a partner and she also knows that you are the offensive fighter while I am more defensive. She fought like you, Batman." I explained.

"So you were the one fighting with her. What kind of fighting stances and moves did she use?" Batman continued to question.

"She used a unique fighting style that looked like a mixture of defensive tactics, kickboxing, gymnastics, and a mixture of street fighting techniques. She also used arrest and control techniques that are taught to police officers."

"Anything else?" he asked all of us.

"She used a gun. I'm sure that's not the only lethal weapon she carries. I think we need to teach her to use safer weapons." Artemis commented.

"Good. She needs more training in a team setting to help with her communication. I will tell Black Canary about her fighting style and make sure she gets the proper training. Robin, it will be your job to find Swan a new set of weapons." Batman stated and zetaed out of the mountain. 

We all let out a sigh of relief in sync. Just being in the presence of Batman caused us all to be tense. We walked into the kitchen/living room, but Swan wasn't there. 

"Where did she go?" Superboy spoke up. 

We all ran into our rooms making sure Swan wasn't digging through our stuff. We split up and ran all over the mountain. I headed for the debriefing room. She might have thought we were going to meet her back there. 

When I walked in I saw Swan's back to me with a file pulled up in front of her. She immediately shut down the holo and whipped around. She looked tense, but forced herself back into her emotionless state.

"What were you looking at?" I questioned suspiciously.

"Reading about Cheshire and Sportsmaster, the people we fought today." she said calmly and unfazed.

"What did you find out?" I said cautiously. 

I couldn't let Swan dig to deep or else she might find out about Artemis' real family. What? Of course I knew. What can I say, I'm a detective, it's my job to know. 

"I was just reading about their motives. Cheshire is an assassin so why was she moving a shipment of a Venom compound?" Swan explained.

I nodded, "It's called Cobra Venom. We believe the League of Shadows has a use for the substance and Cheshire is just a hired hand." she nodded in response.

"Come on, I want to show you something." I gestured to the exit.

I walked out into the hallway and went to the third to last door on the right. Swan followed close behind with interest and curiosity on her face. I punched in the code (1939) on the keypad and opened the door. I looked at Swan's face as she entered the brightly lit room. 

Her face was in complete awe that made me smirk. The walls were covered with high tech, state of the art weapons. All of them were nonlethal and used for crime fighting. Swan walked over to the wall and stared at the technology amazed.

"This is our weapons room. As a superhero you can't kill your enemy so you must use effective, nonlethal weapons." I announced.

"First your gun." I said and stuck my hand out.

She shook her head, "Not happening pretty boy." she refused. 

"You won't be allowed to use the gun in combat so there is no use for it. When I deflected your bullet from hitting Cheshire, it was a lucky shot. I can't keep worrying about you trying to kill someone on missions." I explained.

"Fine, I won't use it, but it's still mine." she slid the gun back in its holster, "What kind of weapons do you use anyways?" she asked curiously.

I shrugged, "I use birdarangs, escrima sticks, smoke bombs, and a grapple gun. They are all held in my utility belt." I showed them to her.

She studied them, shook her head, and went back to the wall.

"Not my style." she said simply.

"Can you throw this." I offered her one of my birdarangs.

She took it out of my hand and looked me dead in the eye. She threw the birdarang at the door hitting the handle, causing it to brake off. She never lost eye contact still facing me. 

"Of course I can throw it." she said coldly and moved back to the wall.

Geez, she is definitely not whelmed. She also broke the door handle which I am going to have to fix later. I internally groaned. What weapons would fit her? She obviously didn't like any of my weapons, but she had good aim. 

"How about a throwing weapon?" I suggested.

She shrugged and kept walking along the wall. Ugh this girl was frustrating. 

"I'll make you one." I offered. 

"You can help, but where can I make my own weapons?" she asked coldly.

"Well we could work in here. I can bring in so supplies and I'll help you make a few weapons. We could meet here tomorrow and build something you can use in combat." I offered. 

She nodded solemnly and walked out of the room. I grabbed a screw driver in the room and fixed the door handle after she left. What was her deal? I was just trying to be nice. Maybe I can make her open up more tomorrow.


I started typing on my wrist computer. It was connected to the computer in the Batcave. Batman tightened up security and it always took a long time to get into his search history, but with enough time I could get in.

"What do you think you're doing?" a deep voice said that I knew all too well.

"I'm ah- ahhhh. I was just, uhhhh." I sighed, "I'm trying to hack your computer so that I can figure out Swan's secret identity." I said truthfully.

"What makes you think I know Swan's true identity?" he asked calmly.

"There is no way you would trust someone without knowing their real identity." I explained.

He simply gave me an innocent smile and walked over to the computer. He shut it down and disconnected my wrist computer. He went to another computer across the room and started typing something I couldn't see.

Was he seriously telling me that he didn't know Swan's identity? No, there was no way Batman would trust someone that much if he didn't. Well, I can't fully rule out the possibility. Batman is known for being unpredictable, so he could be telling the truth.

I internally groaned. If he knew her identity or not, it doesn't change the fact that he wants me to figure it out on my own. One of his little training exercises or something to become the next greatest detective.

"I need you to go on patrol today. I am going to be busy all night with this new case." Batman stated from across the room.

I nodded, but I let out a small sigh that he couldn't hear. So much for the Dynamic Duo thing. He may give the Team busy work, but I'm his partner, his son. I wasn't about to argue with Batman right now so I grabbed my motorcycle and sped out of the Batcave.


This'll be fun :) Trust me.



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