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I walked onto Gotham's police headquarter's roof top. I jumped down to the office window and peered inside. Jimmy, well now Commissioner Gordon, was shutting down his computer getting ready to leave. Yes, I caught him before he left. It was still night time so I opened the window and slipped into the room without being seen.

"Batman, why can't you just come in through the door? Why do you always have to enter mysteriously through the window?" Jimmy, I mean Gordon, said into the darkness.

"Guess again." I asked calmly.

I though the police hated Batman. I thought they wanted him locked up just like the Joker and Scarecrow. But then there was the Bat-signal. What did the police department think of Batman?Jimm-Gordon ran to the lights and flipped them on. I stepped up to him as he looked at me in shock. 

"Who are you?!" he demanded to know.

He grabbed his taser from his belt and pointed it at me.

"Don't sho-" I was cut off.

One taser needle hit me in the collar bone and I fell to the ground in pain. I managed to rip off my mask through the pain to show Jimmy my face. Stop, please make it stop! My face was scrunched in pain trying not to scream in order not to draw attention from the rest of the building. The pain stopped and I immediately ripped the needle from my neck. Gordon stood there shocked and so many emotions were on his face I couldn't read any of them.

"K-Kayo, is it really you? You-You're alive!" he practically screamed.

He ran over to me and grasped me in a hug. Was that a tear on his cheek? He pulled away and I groaned and put my finger to my lips telling him to be quiet. I was still weak from the taser scrunching all my muscle into a pulp. I focused on my breathing trying not to pant out loud.

"It's nice to see you're still sharp with that taser." I said sarcastically. 

"Oh oh, so sorry! Here." he apologized still in shock.

He helped my limp body into a leather office chair and ran to one of the cabinets in his desk. He dug through it finally pulling out a first aid kit. He handed me the water bottle on his desk and I accepted it gingerly and drank it. I felt my muscle start to relax as Jimmy cleaned the needle wound and put a band-aid on it.

It felt so comforting. Jimmy always would fix me up. Every time I fell or scraped my knee he would always put a band-aid on it and tell me everything was going to be okay. I closed my eyes in relief. I felt safe for the first time in a long time and it was comforting. 

"Thanks Jimmy." I thanked.

"I can't believe it is really you. I thought you were dead! Where have you been? Are you safe? Why are you wearing a swan mask?" he almost screamed.

"Shhhh. I don't want to alert the rest of the building I'm here. One question at a time please. Me first though. why did you think I was dead?" I asked.

"Your father called the police department saying you had run away. I sped there as he explained that you had just run away and that you hadn't been back in the last 24 hours. I sent out search parties, squads, heck anyone who was on duty after you! We searched for a whole month, but we came up empty handed. I thought you died Kayo!" he explained.

"I'm okay Jimmy, relax. I am in a safe place right now." I lied.

I didn't wan't Jimmy worrying about me. I have already put him though a lot of pain and I didn't need to have him panic anymore. 

"Why are you wearing a swan costume? Is that a whip?" he asked confused.

I laughed, "I've been doing this whole hero gig. It's all new to me and yes this is a whip." I joked.

Turdus (Young Justice Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora