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The teacher continues to ramble about himself and the rules he had in his classroom. I looked back out the window lost in thought when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Dick handing me a scrap piece of paper. I smoothed the wrinkles in paper to find a note scribbled in black pen.

I remember you. Kayo, right?

I turned back around a looked at the smug look on his face. He pretended to listen to the teacher, but he knew I was looking at him. I decided to write back; the teacher wasn't even paying attention.

Yea. I think you're Bruce Wayne's son, Dick, right? What are you doing here?

I threw the paper back over my shoulder; it landed right in the middle of his desk. I could here him dig in his bag for a pen and started writing back.

The one and only! What do you think I am doing here? I'm going to school, duh. I can't believe you made it in, congrats! What do you have next period?

History in room 107.

Same! We can check schedules after class. Do you know anyone here?

Besides you, no one.

If you don't have anyone to sit with you can hang with me and Barbara.

Of course he has a girlfriend. After all, he is a related to a playboy billionaire. Third wheeling was definitely not my style. I grabbed a new scrap pieces of paper, the other on was getting crowded, and continued.

Thanks, but I don't want to intrude. I don't think your girlfriend would like the extra company.

When I threw it back to him, he let a laugh escape from his lips. He quickly covered his mouth and hid his face. Everyone in he class turned to him as he slipped the note into his pocket while getting a bright, red sunburn in seconds. 

"Is there something funny you would like to share with the rest of the class Mr. Grayson?" the teacher inquired.

"No sir," he whispered and shrunk back into his seat.

The teacher nodded his head in triumph and went back to explaining the class schedule and answering questions. Homeroom was longer for the freshmen because it was the first day of school. They wanted to make sure everyone knew what they were doing. I grabbing a new piece of paper, I smiled as I wrote what seemed to be chicken scratch.

What was so funny?

You called Barbara my girlfriend.

Why is that funny?

She is two years older than me, she's just a friend to me.

Well, why didn't you tell me that?!

Well I thought you knew who Barbara Gordon was.

The commissioner's daughter? I think I've seen her on the news.

Exactly! So, you in for lunch?

I simply nodded without turning back around. The bell rang and everyone filed out of the classroom. When I walked out, I saw Dick waiting just outside of the classroom.

"And I'll take this," he said cheerfully while grabbing my schedule out of my hands.

"Hey!" I said as I reached for my schedule.

He pulled it father away, "Look at that! We have all of our morning classes together! Science, French, Art, and even History!"

He finally let me snatch my schedule back. I folded it back up and shoved it into my backpack.

"Science, shall we?"

He bowed mockingly and I just rolled my eyes. We walked together through the halls. It was nice to have someone guide me through this maze. When we finally reached the science room, the teacher introduced herself and all that jazz.

The morning classes flew by, because we weren't actually doing anything. I talked to Dick all morning; it was calming. It was nice to feel normal again. When lunch swung around, we met up with Barbara, Dick's 'not girlfriend' friend. I still wasn't buying it. If they hang out all the time, then there has to be something going on between the two. 

The red head gestured towards me, "Dick, who's your new friend?"

"Kayo meet Babs, Babs meet Kayo." 

I gave a shy wave and smile while Babs grinned ear to ear and whispered something to Dick.  She was wearing the same outfit I was and looked to be two years older than me, like Dick had explained. I could tell her happiness was genuine, but I really wanted to know what they were whispering about.


Batgirl! XD



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