The Hero Gig

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"You're next Swan." Superboy stated coldly.

Man, that boy really hated me and he didn't even try to hide it. I didn't respond to his tone or glare. I walked into the sound proof room and sat casually in the black, leather arm chair. I studied my surroundings seeing a few potted plants, a bookshelf, and Black Canary sitting in a chair. There were no camera's in the room which surprised me. I know they wanted the Team to feel comfortable in this room, but no security cameras was odd. 

"Swan." Black Canary said nodding her head.

"Black Canary." I responded also nodding my head in respect.

In all seriousness, I have great respect for Black Canary. A master at hand-to-hand combat, vocal cords that can crush metal, and partners with Green Arrow.

"Batman seems to trust you, so I guess I do too. I know you have the right to have a secret identity, but can you tell me a little bit about yourself?" she asked in a caring voice.

"Sure. What do you want to know?" I answered calmly trying to seem kind.

"Do you feel safe in the place you are staying at?" she questioned cautiously.

Safe is the last word I would use to describe my living situation right now. I am currently living in an abandoned warehouse in a cage under extreme supervision from Penguin. I am constantly worrying about Penguin telling my father where I am. I am forced to train, go to school, and work at a club. 

I smiled warmly, "I am perfectly safe outside of this new job." I assured.

"What made you become a superhero and turn from your life of crime?" she asked continuing her little game.

I am not turning from my life of crime. I am lying to the rest of the Team about my motives. I am here to gather intel and more information on my mother's death. Being a superhero has no reward, no pay, no benefit. People who don't have to worry about financial stability or survival become superheroes.  

"I needed a change. Batman offered me help to turn from my life of crime. It was obviously a hard decision, I'm not going to lie. I figured that not having to check my back every five seconds would be a good change." I responded pretending to be thoughtful.

"I really want you to get along with the rest of the team. They might not trust you now, but give them time, they will come around. We are going to start training now. Remember if you need anything, you can always talk to me." she explained and smiled kindly.

I had to force myself not to roll my eyes and smile back. I followed her out of the room and back into the training room. She booted up the simulator and took off her jacket. I was praying that my training at the police station and the five months of combat lessons with Catwoman will save me now. 

The rest of the team walked into the room to join us for training. I knew I would probably be clobbered by Canary so I guess I would just have to roll with the punches, literally. My fake confidence wasn't enough to convince myself I had a fighting chance. In a real life situation. I would fight her off until I found an escape, not until one of us was laying on the ground. I was taught to be and fight like a criminal, not a hero.

"Well Swan, let's see what you got." Canary said slyly.

I simply shrugged and walked onto the lit up floor. I reminded me of the dance floor at the Iceberg Lounge. I can't believe I am doing this whole deep cover thing. Penguin knows about the whole situation and has given me specific instructions. I can't allow the team to memorize my fighting style, so I have to take it easy and refrain from giving training my all.

Canary and I started to circle around the room like two boxers in a ring. Canary struck first, obviously an aggressive fighter. She kind of reminded me of Catwoman except not as fast, but she made up for that with her strength. 

She threw a few light punches at my face. I easily blocked them and threw a few light punches of my own. I didn't want to hurt her or anything so I backed up and waited for for her to attack again.

"You're holding back. I want to see you really trying." she stated, seeing right through my act.

She came at me with harder punches and a few kicks to the stomach. I blocked and dodged them, something I was really good at. The hard part was attacking. I moved to her side and threw a few kicks at her side. I caught her off guard and managed to land a hit.

She turned and flipped over me. I already knew what was coming next. I jumped up avoiding her sweeping kick and landed facing her. Robin tried the same trick on me, I'm guessing he learned it from Canary. I performed a roundhouse kick and knocked Canary back. She slid on balancing on her right hand and left knee. 

She launched herself at me like a tiger attacking it's prey. I jumped out of the way, but Canary managed to clip my foot and throw me off balance. I was about to do a flip back onto my feet, but thought better of it. I allowed Canary to throw me to the ground and pin my arms and legs.

"Why are you still holding back?" she questioned. 

She stuck her hand out helping me back to my feet. I just shrugged not wanting to have to answer the question. 

"If you're going to be a hero and fight along side of the rest of the team, you need to give it your all. In training and missions." she lectured.

The advice honestly went in one ear and out the other. Black Canary waved me off the floor and motioned for her next victim. I leaned against the wall a little bored, but then remembered why I was here. I studied each and every one of the team members fighting styles making mental notes. 

Training ended with Aqualad winning and Superboy losing, Wally losing and Robin winning, M'gann losing and Artemis barely winning. I had guessed the outcomes correctly based on their performance today. Aqualad and Robin's fighting styles caught my eye though. Aqualad was more defensive than offensive in his tactics. Robin was like a ninja finding weaknesses in the other's form and using them against his opponent. He also seemed to be angry, but he channeled that anger amazingly well into fighting. 

I guess I could learn a few things for myself from this undercover job. Maybe this job wasn't going to be so bad after all. I would get to spend time away from Penguin and get to learn more about my mother. My goal is to eventually fit in and have the Team fully trust me. No matter how long it took for them to, in the words of Black Canary, 'come around'.


I never really know what to say here so...... Who likes mint chip ice cream the best?



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