Chapter 20

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History has it's eyes on you.


A few days later, I'm walking through the rebel base in search of a specific courtyard. Luke, the previous day, had offered to train me in lightsaber combat and usage of the Force. I'd gladly accepted his offer, and as my eyes landed on an open, outdoor area up ahead, I felt a fresh wave of excitement.

I was really pumped for training; after all, I needed it. Sure, my fight with Cecily had ended in my victory--but barely. I'd defeated her with barely a breath left in my chest. At first, she'd practically beaten me into the ground; my victory had only happened because I'd drawn power from the Force. That wasn't something I could count on during any future fights I would take part in--I had to get skilled in combat before I did anything else. And though I'd been using swords as weapons for almost my whole life, a lightsaber was, apparently, very much different.

And as for my dream-fight with Darth Vader? I'd used the Force in the dream-realm; not in reality. Just because I could wield it in my dream didn't mean I was capable of using it likewise in real life. As I think of this I briefly remember the fight back on Taris, and how I'd tried to use the Force to bring my lightsaber into my hand. It hadn't worked at all.

The Force had been with me during my fight with Cecily, and that was truly the only reason why I had won. Sure, my spirit and determination had helped too...but getting better at fighting was now a must.

I step into the courtyard and see Luke, sitting on a chunk of rock off to the side. His tongue is sticking out a bit as he concentrates on rubbing off a dirt mark on his lightsaber.

Glancing down at my belt, I check to make sure I brought my own lightsaber with me. Upon seeing it, I assume that we're going to get started with training right away--so I grab it and heft it in my hand, looking back up at Luke. "Hey," I say to let him know that I'm here.

Luke looks up, and smiles a bit as he sees me. "Hi!" he waves a bit, then hops off of his rock, gripping his lightsaber.

"So, I've been reading that Force book lately, and though combat moves would be useful...I think we should start with more basic, first-hand things. Jumping right into preparing for battle seems, I don't know, kind of un-Jedi like." Luke looks a bit squeamish as he says this. "But we'll definitely get to the combat part later...I just think we should start with basic stuff."

I think about what he's said, and though I'm a bit disappointed that I won't be jumping straight into full-blown action, I can see his point. "Yeah, that's fine."

Looking a bit relieved at my response, Luke smiles a bit. "Great--okay, so, I was thinking that maybe we could start with Force sight. I read about it, and apparently it's where you'll be able to sense what's around you without even seeing anything. It could prove to be useful, somehow," Luke walks over to the rock he'd been sitting on, and picks up a blindfold. He carries it back to me. "You'll have to put this on for the exercise...that's okay, right?" I can't help but appreciate that he's making sure I'm okay with it

With a quick smile, I nod and take the blindfold from him. "I'll be fine." I wrap the blindfold around my head and my vision disapears.

I hear Luke shifting off to the side, and after a minute or two, he speaks. "Okay--I've placed four rocks around the courtyard. They have some kyber crystal in them, just so that things are simpler for you; but what you'll have to do is use the Force to find them. Sink into it, let it become a part of you, and just breathe it in."

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