Chapter 21

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The older you get, the more you realize

that it isn't about the material things,

or pride or ego.

It's about our hearts

and who they beat for. 


Opening my eyes, I see that I'm in a room.

The room is empty, and the walls are all a shiny, dark color. My hearing is slightly muffled and I can somehow hear my calm, steady heartbeat.

Was this a nightmare? It doesn't feel like a nightmare. But the atmosphere of the room I'm in is giving off that vibe.

I turn around to look behind me, and then once I turn back to face forward, I see a door. A door that hadn't been there before.

The door is black, with a silver handle. I'm not going to open it, and I'm about to dismiss it into the background, when I hear it.


My blood turns to ice and I stiffen, my breath catching in my throat.


That's her voice, crying out. Her screams continue and I realize that she's on the other side of the door.

I leap into action and sprint towards the door, latching onto the handle and tugging, trying to pull the door open.

It doesn't open.

Both fear and determination are making my breaths quicken, making my heart speed up. I beat on the door with my fist. "Ray!" I yell, and I try to ignore the crack I hear in my own voice.

She's sobbing loudly and screaming in terror all at once. But these sounds come to a pause as she cries, "El?! Ellie! Is that you?"

"Yes! I'm here, at the door!" my voice is quavering and I try to take deep, calming breaths. I could save Ramala from whatever was distressing her, if I could just get to her.

I heart footsteps approaching the door, and then agonized screeching. "Ellie! Help me, please! HELP!" the door shudders as something slams against it, and I see the handle rattle and shake. I hear Ramala being dragged along on the floor.

I don't remember exactly when, but suddenly I start crying.

Beating on the door, I start shouting. "Ray! RAY!" I feel my fists starting to bruise as I pound on the door, as my fingers scratch against the material of it, as blood comes out of the cuts on my hands, as it runs down my wrists.

Fiery pain laces up and throughout my arms, causing my hands to twitch. But I don't cease my assault on the door as I slam my fists into it.

After what seems like forever, I grow too tired to continue. I let my hands slide off of the door as they come to my sides, dripping with red. My breathing is ragged, and my eyes burn from tears.

I'm shaking as I hug my arms around myself, and I let out a small, forlorn sound.

I pull on the door handle, one last time, and the door opens.

My surprise makes my breath catch, and I push the door open some more.

There's Ramala, sitting in the middle of the room before me, sitting with her arms around her knees and her head bent down.

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