Chapter 11. Library Commotion

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Chapter 11. Library Commotion

  After I rushed to the Woods' place with Jackson and explained my predicament, all I have gotten in response is silence and quiet nods of understanding. I tap my foot quietly on the floor and wait for someone to speak up while my heart races from what I have just been through.

"A picture of you on this manikins face?" Ryder repeats the fact I told him, Jackson, and Cole.

"Yeah," I shakily breathe out.

"Maybe you should stay here tonight again-"

"No, I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself." I lie, cutting Ryder off.

"This is clearly a subject in which you need protection." He argues.

"Why aren't we calling the police like normal people?" Cole intervenes.

Jackson mumbles something to Cole in which Cole widens his eyes and stands a little straighter. I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion and suspicion at the two boys and wait fro an explanation.


Ryder elbows Cole in the gut, making him shut up.

"Who's Griffin?" I ask timidly and Ryder and Jackson scowl at Cole, thinking he gave it away from his little slip up, and in return he grins sheepishly.

"I didn't hear the name from Cole, I heard it from Jackson." I say, letting them know that it wasn't Cole.

Cole relaxes a bit, but then smacks Jackson on the back of his head very hard. Jackson scowls and rubs his head.

"Who is he?" I ask again.

"Nobody." Ryder says quickly.

"Tell me," I push further. "this has to do with me, so why can't you just inform me?"

"This has nothing to do with you-"

"Not according to Griffin." I mumble.

"Who knows who your threatener is, but we should just stay low for now." Jackson says, looking at his brothers for approval.

"You know who it is; all of you do, so just tell me!" I urge them.

"Eleanor, we don't know who-"

"Yes you do!" I cut Ryder off.

"We can't tell you anything right now, alright? Just stay here for a couple of days and keep low until the cops-"

"Just tell me who it is!" I shout, interrupting Jackson.

Cole suddenly strides over to me in two quick motions and slams his hand beside my head, resting his palm against the cold metal door behind me, making me feel very intimidated and flustered at the same time.

"Griffin Baxter, twenty years old; he's been after us since freshman year. He's dangerous, and just like that petty little note he sent your way, it shows just how much he hates us. Revenge is the only thing in this guys head right now, and because Ryder is a loser, he ended up caring for you. Which means he ultimately put you in danger. That's all I'm telling you, so take it or leave it. Stay and be safe or leave and get kidnapped by this guy. It's your choice, cupcake." He finishes his explanation with a small whisper in my ear at his little nickname for me.

He steps back and ignores the stern and angry scowls from his brothers, mostly because he just spilled half of their family secret and brushes past them and strolls up the stairs, leaving me flabbergasted.

"What did you all-"

"What did we all do to make this guy hate us so much?" Jackson finishes my thought. "That story is for another day."

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