Chapter 4

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I don't like this whole sleepover thing right now. I didn't really care Marlene was here or not but her son!? I can't, my mind is going to explode hardcore soon.

"We can't have a sleepover without Bryce dear," My Mother said. I keep it all in. "Was it planned on the Calendar, Mom?" I ask annoyed. She nodded so I go check the Calendar, Family sleepover night starting at eight. Wow. "Great... Mom, I'm gonna take a shower," I told her. "Alright." I ran upstairs in my room than I saw Bryce. He had my box with my Drugs and Cigarettes. "What are you doing in my room?" I asked Bryce.

"So this is why you changed?" He asked me, "I make you hurt yourself in ways you shouldn't?"

"Why does it matter? It's not like you cared in the first place," I whisper yelled taking my box away from him.
"Did you want answers from me? You got them if you did asshole."

"This isn't you. What happened to my best friend?" He asked. I got a cigarette out, lit it and blew the smoke in his face. "She changed, Bryce. She isn't the same girl you met six years ago." I kept smoking it in front of him.

"Why didn't you say anything?" He asked me with a more worried like look.

"Everyone has something to hide," I told him taking another puff of my cigarette.

"No, tell me." Bryce spoke in a tone I've never heard of. I finished than sprayed my room than put my box somewhere Bryce couldn't find it.

"Harmony. You should of told me. That I make you hurt," I roll my eyes and scoff.

"You, asshole. Came into my room and looked through things you shouldn't even be looking through. I'm so done now. I'm done with everything," I explained, "You never cared! You never did!" He walked away from me. Well he found what he was probably looking for...

Bryce's POV:

I don't understand. This isn't the same girl I fell in love with in Seventh grade. I knew how I fell in Love with her. She told me that one day she would be up in the stars watching over Earth. I had asked her that day why she says that but she explained that she felt like, like she was going to die. I told her I never wanted to loose her ever. I put my arm around her than we sat there looking at the stars. Also in Eighth grade, she wondered what it was like to kiss someone. I told her we could kiss. She asked if it would be awkward, I told her it wouldn't. Than we kissed, I had a weird feeling in my stomach.

She stopped talking to me the summer before Freshman year. Olivia told me she wasn't talking to anyone. So I became her bully. I want my best friend the girl I loved back. I don't mean Loved as in I use to. I miss her also, her room doesn't match her. Her room is bright so are her curtains  for the windows too. She wears black, listens to rock or gothic music, smokes, cuts, etc. I'm​ not liking this. I run downstairs, to go in the main bathroom downstairs calling the main of my 'friends', James....

He ended up picking up his phone after the second ring. "James I can't be friends with you and your friend's anymore," I told him.

"What? Why not?" He asked.

"I just can't," I said regretting it a little.

"Please don't tell me, you fell in love with one of the girls we bully," he was whining like he couldn't get a kids toys or just didn't want to know. I didn't answer to him at all. "Who is it? Carly? Lily? Avelyn? H-"

"I got to go. See you around," I told him.

"Okay," than I hung up. I'm so scared about what's going to happen. When I come out of the bathroom I see Harmony, her hair is wet. She's​ smiling about something, she's wearing something colorful. I haven't seen her like that since the first day of Middle school.

~ Flashback Starts ~

I was talking to my friends Drew and Colby. Than I walk in to the door to see a beautiful girl. Her hair was wavy, she had a smile on her face. She was wearing a blue t-shirt with a pair of basketball shorts. She seemed really nice and really Gorgeous. My friend Colby saw that I was drooling over her than walked over to her. He looked at me with an 'I got this' face.

She glanced at me than smiled at Colby, they shook hands then he came over to us. "If it'll make you feel better. She says she saw you looking over at her. And that you should go talk to her."

Talk to her? What if she doesn't like me? What will she do? Will she hate me for who I am? I hope not...

After class I hurried putting my stuff in my backpack than ran after her. I felt like fighting trying to go talk to her. Than I eventually did.. "Hey," I said to her.

"Hello," she said with a smile, "What class are you heading to?" She asked me. "I'm heading to Tech Ed." I told her.

"That's cool. I'm heading to Orchestra, um... I'll see you around?" She asked with a Nervous smile.

"Sure," I said with a smile back. When I turn around my mind goes crazy.

Crap I didn't get her name...

~ Flashback Ends ~

"Bryce?" My Mom asked.

"Huh?" I ask.

"We're about to watch a movie," My Mom told me.

"Than were going to bed because I have work at 11 and you two have school," Harmony's Mom, Elizabeth said after her. I sit down next to Harmony but not to close. I glance at her and she's messaging someone.


Who do you think Harmony is messaging? Do Harmony and Bryce make a cute couple? What will happen next? Don't be scared to ask, I'm always here if you have questions or anything at all. 😊◻💙

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