Chapter 55

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Harmony's POV:

"So I got the news. Bryce is staying the night but he made them agree that you'd stay with him. Until the next morning." I nodded then sighed looking down at my old bedsheets. I really didn't want to move out. What if something happens and I have to take this house? Olivia and I agreed we took half and half of what we would get from our Mother. Also, I haven't talked to my manager in a while so I'll do that.

"Heyy Harmony."
"Hi Elizabeth."
"How's it going in Maryland?"
"Good. How's Los Angeles?"
"Hot. Very Humid today."
"So can I ask?"
"Anything dear."
"Since my Dad gets out of prison next year. Do you think I'm able to see him for my wedding?"

Silence for three seconds...

"You got ENGAGED!! To who?"
"You will not believe it."
"Is it Bryce?"
"Bryce Hall yes indeed." She squealed very, very loudly.

"This is exciting."
"Here's the thing though, Liz."
"Is this why your calling?"
"My fiancée attempted suicide last night and his Mother just died."
"Are you asking to postpone the modeling photos?"

"No don't worry."
"Ah thank goodness. I was gonna lecture you for blowing it off Gucci is a very picky guy."

"Is there any way I can cancel my birthday Vacation?"

"Honey, I'm sorry but you can't right now. We paid and everything." I sigh then slide my back down against the door. I look around then felt like I was gonna crying.

"Well I'll see you on the 26th." I managed to choke out.

"Later Hun." I hung up then put my phone down. I started crying silently. I wish this wasn't how my life happened to be. I didn't want my Aunt Becky dying. I never wanted my Father to go to prison. Or me period. I mean look I went to being Depressed because of Bryce to being famous just like him.
I loved and loved and lost people I knew. Even the person I was closed to the most. Marlene Josh. Bryce's Mother understood my pain and what I went through. I hated having this feeling. Depression, Anxiety, Anorxia, Not sleeping, cutting, crying, being raped by one of my class mates, my old best friend dead! I don't know how to react anymore. So, I sat up telling Olivia that I will be going somewhere and that I'll be back. I decided to go to the hospital to talk to Bryce. I saw Cameron there and he smiled pulling me in for an embrace that I gave into. When we pulled back he sighed, "Go talk to him. I'll be back in the morning."

"Okay." He kissed my forehead then left. I went into his room. He looked at me then sighed of relief. What was he so relieved about? Was he scared I may never come back? I smiled sadly when I saw him.

"What's wrong?" I shrugged my shoulders at first then sighed.

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