Chapter 25

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~ December 24th, 2016 ~

Today is Christmas Eve! I'm so excited! Elizabeth gave me a five grand check for Christmas shopping. Bryce, Marlene, My Mom, my Sister, Jeremy, Satriana, Grandma, Sierra, and I are all staying at my place until New Year's Day. Sierra and Grandma are going back home tomorrow night. I love them. Also guess who was coming over? Cameron Dallas! Olivia doesn't know about it though.

"Okayyyy so I'm going 'Christmas Shopping' now. Bryce, come with?" He got up and stood by me. "We will be right back." Bryce spoke. Than we got into my Jeep. We hurried up and drove. Once we got on the interstate he asked, "Where are we going?"

"To the airport." He nodded.

"Cameron?" I nodded, "Cameron." We both intertwined our fingers together. As I drove.


"So the plan is working?" Cameron asked me as his luggage was getting loaded in the car.

"Yes, Cameron! The plan is working. All you have to do is sneak into my room. I'll say I forgot my money and let you in. Than your going to go downstairs and surprise my sister. You made it very clear!" Bryce sat in the passenger as Cameron sat in backseat of the Jeep. I got into the driver's side. They were silent. "I promise it's going​ to work." I started the car as we drove back home. Bryce rested his hand on my right thigh. When I looked back I noticed Cameron seemed down without Olivia being around. I sighed in awe wishing Olivia knew. Once we parked I left the car running Bryce sat in the passenger seat still. Cameron ran to my window with his luggage still in the Jeep. I ran in quickly​, "I forgot my money." I booked it upstairs two at a time. I opened my window and let Cameron in. I went downstairs and saw Olivia baking I signal Cameron to come over by me. He puts his hands over Olivia's eyes. "Guess who?"

She gasped and they both embraced. For a long time I smiled and took some photos. "Cameron let me get your bags." My family was happily in an awe moment. When I went out I saw Bryce getting Cameron's luggage. I smiled and he looked so strong and focus. I got into the driver's seat. Waiting for Bryce to get in he came back out smiling at me. I rolled my eyes blushing.

As we were going to the K-mart and Walmart, also the mall I bought only the girls some things. "Why aren't you buying us guys something?"

"Well, there's only you and Cameron. I figured why not have your two girl- I mean best friend and girl get you something."

"You almost said girlfriend." I shake my head and kiss his jawline. As he was helping me load everything into the Jeep. He looks at me then sighs looking down.

"I don't even see the point in asking." I have him look at me.

"What is it?" He sighs than gets frustrated. He fixes his hair then looks at me.

"Are you even ready for a new relationship right now?" I bite my bottom lip and look down.

Yes... I'm just scared.

"No..." His eyes widen, "Yes... I don't know. Look Bryce I don't want to ruin what we already have."

"What? Us being 'just friends'. I never wanted to be in the friend zone but I waited. I waited until you were ready and wanted it. No, you don't want me. You never did." He closed the trunk and went into the passenger seat. I got into the driver's seat.

"Bryce, what are you talking about? You don't think I don't want you, or even need you?"

"We can't be just friends. I can't do that anymore, Mel."

"I fell in love with you in Middle school. After our first kiss-"

"After our First Kiss in Eighth grade you pushed me away."

"I was upset!"

"You don't think I was upset, Harmony!"

"My Auntie just died! And my Dad went to Prison that day!" It got quiet. He put his hand through his hair and sighed. "I was scared, Bryce. I was going to tell you how I felt about you Freshman​ year. No, you just... You chose to Bully me... Maybe there was a reason it happened to us."

"You fell for Gabe, Harmony." I shook my head side to side.

"He sexually assaulted me, Bryce. Yes I did but he tried Raping Me.." I exhaled loudly and slowly. "He tried to rape me." A tear slowly went down my warm cheek. I started the ignition then drove back to my home.

It was quiet the whole way there. My hands were on the stirring wheel. When I parked into the garage I noticed another car. Are you kidding me? Bryce was loading the trunk. I kept the door opened for him. He got all of it for the girls. We went upstairs into my room. He loaded some more.

"Is that all?" I asked and he nodded.

"Look, I'm sorry about how I acted earlier. That was selfish of me to do." I shake my head.

"It was my fault." He lifted my chin lightly.

"I'm the one who acted like a six year old." I laughed throwing my head back. He put his hands back to the side. "I'll see you downstairs." He kissed my cheek lightly and slowly. For a long time and pulls away. I sigh and feel heat to my cheeks.

I'm just scared, Bryce.

He walked downstairs. I changed into some sweatpants and a long big Sweater. No snow but it was cold. I locked my door with a combination than went downstairs. I noticed my oldest best friends with my Mother.

I noticed someone I haven't seen in years and I mean years. "Reed!" I ran after him.

"My Bella!" He ran after me. He lifted me up in the air and embraced me in for a long time. I started crying all of a sudden.

"Why are you crying?" He asked. Everyone was chillin' in the family room.

"You and Carmen are here. My Family is all my Mom's Boyfriend and his daughter is here. Sierra and Grandma are here. Bryce and his Mom are here. I haven't seen us all together since Becky's birthday party three years ago." He wiped my tears away and embraced me. All of a sudden I hear a door slam.

"Talk to him." Was all Marlene said before I was running out the door. I noticed Bryce walking out in the cold. I ran after him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, Mel. Can't I just go for a walk?" He asked going a little faster.

"You only do this when your upset. Please tell me?" He stopped walking. Went up towards me and smashed his lips into mine. I wrap my arms around his neck. Than he slowly pulls away, "Let me know when you need me. I might not be there." Than he ran off.

I froze there hoping he would turn around and come back but as always. He just walks away.


So how is everyone doing? So I was trying to write how Harmony heard Drew and Bryce talking but it failed so I'll do that sometime soon. Anyways how are y'all liking the story? I'm in the middle of editing and fixing the errors in the story. So feel free to reread it. I don't really care though. Otherwise I'm right here.

Ask or request anything and I'll try putting it in the story. Don't Forget to Vote and Comment your opinion 😊❤✨

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