Chapter 12

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Bryce's POV:

As I was walking home all of a sudden I saw James. This isn't good. I start running away from him as far as I possibly could. Then I had two guys that were two times bigger than me grab me on each side. They're grip was good. James came in front of me. "Nice to see you again, Bryce. Walking home from your little Whore's house?" He asked.

"Don't call her that also It's none of your business, what do you want?" I asked pissed trying to get out of the guys grip.

"She didn't say anything did she?" James questioned as he got a phone out.

"No, she didn't. She's scared but what do you want?" I asked him again.

"Good good. Do you see this?" He asked showing me a photo... That's my window.

"Yeah," I replied. There were curtains but it was a shadow figure of me and Harmony. "So what?" I asked.

"That's your girl right? With you in that photo?" He asked me, I didn't say anything, "I will E-mail this to the whole school and make it look like she's a slut. But... I won't do that, unless you do something for me that won't let that E-mail happen." He paused than continued, "See I want you. To date this girl for me. Sarah Andi," He got close to my face but he continued, "See Sarah's older brother. Owes me some cash. Sarah has it hidden. She knows, he owes me cash but you see their rich. They basically can get whatever they want. I need you to get it for me."

"And if I didn't?" I asked him more pissed off than ever.

James Finally spoke, "You can guess. Otherwise, ask Sarah out. Than a few weeks go by break up with her. After I get my money. Agreed?"

I didn't want to say anything but I did, "Agreed." I'm going to regret this. James' guys let me go than they get in a car and drive off.


I get to the airport as quick as I could. Harmony sees me, she smiled at me. I smiled at her too. Than she ran to me embracing me. I embraced back. I missed her in my arms and it's only been a few hours. When I looked at her I smile, "I feel like we should kiss." She looked over than at me, "We probably could but I don't know." I lean in giving her a soft sweet kiss. We slowly pulled away. She smiled at me.

I've always been in Love with her smile. And her eyes also. She has a Unqiue touch to her you can never get. She's more pure than you know it. Her soft beautiful full lips are the highlight of her face. She never wears Makeup, she just... Has that natural beauty. Which I love really.

When Harmony and I sit down, she rests her head on my shoulder. I put my arm around her. We sat there for a good twenty minutes than we heard her plane aboard. Olivia and Harmony stood up. I did also but I didn't want to do anything to hurt Harmony when she gets back. "I'll always be here, Harmony."

"Okay," I hugged her than she aboard her plane than they left state. Now time to do what's best.


I knock on Sarah's door but her older brother Jacob opens the door. "Who are you here for?" He asked me.

"I'm here for Sarah," he nodded than let me in. I knocked on her door than she opened it. She let me in all flirty, "Heyyy! What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you," I told her, she nodded and opened her door. She closed and locked the door behind me. She sat on her desk, "So what's on your mind?"

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked, I know, I know stupid. But I don't want James leasing anything.

"I would love to be your girlfriend, you won't hangout with Harmony right?" She asked.

"What if it was for a school project? Cause That's only the reason why I talk to Harmony," I tell her and she gets down and gets close to me.

"I'll allow it," than she kissed me. I didn't kiss back at first but than I did. It got to a heated makeout session.

I hate myself for doing this...


Who else thinks Bryce is stupid for dating Sarah? What do you actually think will happen in the next Chapter? Do you think Justin will fall for Harmony? Do you think Bryce and Harmony's relationship will ever be the same? Don't be scared to Comment what you think, also Vote 😊❤✨

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