Chapter 3

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                        Your POV

        You and Lily enter the Great Hall, stomachs growling for the feast. "It seems like ages ago that I ate those Chocolate Frogs," you moan, your mouth salivating at the thought of food.
"I know," Lily responds, also eager to eat. "Come on, (Y/N), let's get seats away from Potter." You fling your (H/C) hair over your shoulders and move toward the Gryffindor table.
You and Lily take your seats. Mere seconds later, you are joined by the four boys you hoped you would not see. Potter sits next to Lily, with Black squashing in next to him. Next to you sits Lupin, who manages a small smile full of pity. You don't return it. Finally, Pettigrew sits next to Lupin, cramming you all together more. Remus looks different to you this year, but you can't figure out how.
"Hello again, Lily," James says, his arm attempting to snake around Lily's waist. She quickly slaps it away, turning as far from him as possible. Sirius snorts as he tries to contain his laughter. She now faces you, her eyes narrowed and her brows furrowed. You notice a bit of pink appearing again in her cheeks.
"So what extra classes are you taking this year, (Y/N)?" Lily asks you in a high-pitched tone, apparently tense.
"I'm taking Arithmancy, Runes, and Muggle Studies. What about you?"
"I'll be in Arithmancy and Runes with you," Lily answered, still uncomfortable.
Before you could respond, James says," Hey, Lily I'm taking Arithmancy too. Maybe I could get Professor Vector to put us next to each other." He smiles and raises his eyebrows suggestively. After a dramatic sigh, Lily continues to ignore him.
Finally, the sorting begins.

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