Chapter 9

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Your POV

Over the next few weeks, reading by the fire after a busy day of studies became habit. Once you walk through the portrait hole, you see Remus sitting in his usual chair, book in hand, and Lily walks up to the dormitory with the same knowing smile. You and Remus become much closer friends. Somedays you are interrupted by the scheming Marauders, who whisk Remus away to plot a new prank on someone. You and Remus often read the same book.
Every day in September of your sixth year is a whirlwind of tests, essays, studying, writing, reading, and just schoolwork in general. Stress levels mount as the year continues on.
It is now October. Lily sometimes joins you for reading or a game of Exploding Snap after classes and homework, but most often retreats back into the dormitory.
You wake up one weekend morning and excitedly shout to Lily, "Hogsmeade today!" You scramble out of bed to find an outfit to wear. It's rather cold out today, so you settle for an oversized jumper and ripped, black skinny jeans.

    You leave down your (H/C) hair down in loose waves, and once again put on a minimal amount of makeup

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You leave down your (H/C) hair down in loose waves, and once again put on a minimal amount of makeup. You look in the mirror, satisfied, and you hurry out of the dormitory with Lily for breakfast in the Great Hall.
You turn a few heads in the Great Hall, one of which being Remus. You blush as you lock eyes with him, dropping your gaze. Lily notices this and smiles to herself.
You plop down next to Lily and some other Gryffindor girls. Breakfast for you today consists of cocoa and toast with jam.
"Why aren't you going with Remus today, (Y/N)?" Lily asks.
"Lily, I told you. We're just friends!"
"You should invite them along then!" she responds happily.
"Ohh, so you can hang out with James," you mock, raising your eyebrows.
"Shut up, (Y/N)! If anyone overhears you, I swear, I'll get you back!" she whispers, although barely necessary due to the loud hum of students enjoying breakfast.
You just laugh back. She joins in after a brief moment.
The train to Hogsmeade was almost full. Every compartment you passed was packed at full capacity with students wanting to buy candy and joke products. Finally, you found one that had space. Naturally, it was the compartment where the Marauders were.
However, the smallest Marauder, Peter, was nowhere to be seen.
"I guess we should just go in here," you say to Lily, a slightly nervous sensation tingling throughout your body.
As you slide the door open, James says with a grin, "Hey, Lily, (Y/N). Do you two want to join us in Hogsmeade today?"
     You know he only asks so he can be near Lily, but you're still relieved he asked.
That takes care of the problem with you asking them to go to the town with you and Lily. You breathe a quick sigh of relief.
You look at Lily with contemplating (E/C) eyes, and after a moment you say, "Sure, I guess," with a slight shrug.
"I knew you loved me, Evans," Janes says, flashing his cocky grin at your friend.
"Do not!" Lily replies, brows furrowed. You resist the urge to smile.
You sit down across from Remus, who smiles and greets you, both of which you return.
"Where's Pettigrew?" you ask, concerned.
"Madam Pomfrey says he's got Dragon Pox." It's Remus who replies. "He's lucky they caught it early, though. He should be well soon."
The train ride goes quickly, because Sirius and James have gotten into an argument over Quidditch.
You, Lily, and Remus share a look and roll your eyes.
          The five of you leave Honeydukes, loaded down with sugary goods. You are a bit surprised how friendly everyone is to each other, especially Lily.
        Remus and you trail in the back of the pack as you make your way toward the Three Broomsticks. This trip has shown you all the subtle hints Lily told you of about Remus fancying you: his furtive glances at you, the way his green eyes brighten when they meet your (E/C) eyes, the way his hand gradually migrates near yours when he gets the chance, and the way his cheeks turn pink when you smile or laugh. These signs give you the confidence, which you never would have had otherwise, to flirt with him. A further sign of Lily being right: he flirts right back.
        You notice your shoe is untied and stoop down to retie it. Sirius, James, and Lily do not notice, for they are once again arguing, this time over which candy is the best.
      "It's one hundred percent chocolate frogs."
      "No way! Pumpkin pasties are obviously the best!"
      "Sorry mates, but really Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans are for the win!"
      You and Remus do not join in the conversation: you are both enjoying your time together.
       As you bend over to tie your shoe, your Honeydukes bag drops, displaying all your freshly bought candies. Once again, the arguing trio does not notice.
          However, Remus does. He bends his tall frame down and helps you pick up your fallen goods. You both stand up. As you turn to him, you take your bag from him.
       Suddenly, you realize how close you are to him. How close you are to his lips. Remus' green eyes meet your (E/C) eyes. His eyes flicker for a moment toward your lips. You recognize the emotions running through his eyes, betraying his feelings toward you. He reaches out, placing his hands on your waist. He leans in toward you- or rather down, because he is so much taller than you. You stand on the tips of your toes as he draws nearer.
      Neither of you notice the arguing trio's silence.
      Just before his lips hit yours, you hear a voice, Sirius', yell out, "Yeah, Moony! Get some!"
      You two freeze before retreating  back away from each other, faces bright red.
      "Sirius, you idiot! You're ruining the moment behind my OTP!" James mutters to Sirius, but loud enough so you overhear.
       Your face turns even more red. So now they- ship us? you think to yourself, confused by your friends and embarrassed.
      Lily is glaring at Sirius: she seems to agree with James for once. She then casts you a stern look you recognize says "let's talk later."
       The five of you set off again, this time you and Remus set apart due to embarrassment.
      "Remus, why'd you sto-" James tries to begin, Sirius looking curious and scheming at the same time.
       Lily cuts him off, saying coldly, "Drop it."
      The conversation quickly turns back to chocolate frogs and fizzing whizbees, and the matter is not brought up again while at Hogsmeade.

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