Chapter 29

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     The rest of February passed in a constant rhythm. Wake up, class, Quidditch, homework, repeat. You continued to work on homework with Remus every night. Lily and the three other Marauders had started a new tradition of finishing work with you two. You and Remus rarely got alone time just to talk and cuddle.
The beginning of March was similar to February: a cycle of studies and sports. The moon began to wax again, until it was the day of the dreaded full moon. You and the Marauders had discussed the night's events several times. Remus wanted to keep you safe, so on the evening of the full moon you once again found yourself discussing the plan with him while walking back to the Common Room after dinner.
    "Stick with the others, don't get too near me, just stay safe," Remus stressed once again, his fears still with him.
     "Remus, I promise I'll be alright. We've been through this. I stay until the others tell me to go. I promise I'll be safe. Stop worrying, Remus. I'll be okay," you reassured him, confident in your safety for the evening.
     Remus looked at you, concern written on his face. "I just can't have you getting hurt, (Y/N). Especially when I can prevent it." His eyebrows furrowed in worry.
     You rose onto your toes, pressing your lips to his gently. You smiled at him, reassuring Remus of your safety. "I promise I'll be okay."
     Remus' worry edged off slightly, his eyebrows returning to normal position. At that moment, James, Sirius, and Peter bounded up to you. "Everyone ready for tonight?" James grinned.
You glanced at Remus, whose nervousness seemed to have returned. He started to speak, but was cut off by Sirius.
"Mate, we've been over the plan a million times. We'll keep (Y/N) safe."
Remus sighed. "I know," he said begrudgingly. "Just stick to the plan."
You and the four boys entered the Common Room. You worked on homework in an attempt to pass time.
As the clock chimed 9:00 P.M., Remus rose and gave you a quick kiss. "See you soon," he muttered.
     You tried to work on homework after he left, but was too distracted by the clock. Finally, 10:00 arrived. You and the three remaining Marauders rose, walking to the Common Room exit. There were only a few students left in the Common Room, but all were deeply absorbed in their work and did not notice your absence.
You executed the first part of the plan, which entailed Peter transforming into his animagus form so everyone could fit under James' invisibility cloak. It was still a tight fit under the cloak, with two grown boys, you, and a rat. You and the others cautiously continued down the hallways of the castle, going slowly as to not get caught.
James halted, causing you and Sirius to bump into him. Peter, held in Sirius' hand, squeaked in a harassed tone. James led you into a passageway which you had never seen before, even though you had passed through the hallway countless times before. Hogwarts managed to surprise you once again.
In the depths of the passageway, James pulled off the cloak. "We can transform now and go the shrieking shack. You all know the rest of the plan. I'm not one for lectures," James grinned. You and the others transformed. In place of four Hogwarts students stood a rat, dog, wolf, and stag. Certainly an odd bunch, you though while bounding down the narrow passageway.
After following the hidden passage, you finally made it out of the castle. The full moon shone brightly all around, particularly on a tree with deadly branches. The Whomping Willow looked deadlier than usual in the eerie light, adding to the fact that you had to enter a passage below it.
Peter, the rat, padded forward toward the tree. He was lost from vision in the shadows of the tree. The tree came to life, it's branches swinging toward the earth. You assumed Peter was under the tree's branches now. As if stunned, the branches suddenly stopped moving. The stag walked forward, followed by the dog, and lastly you. Peter the rat had pressed the knot near the base of the tree, creating temporary safety for you to pass.
Stage two of the plan complete, you told yourself, nerves elevating. You and the three other animals walked down the pathway, which lead to the Shrieking Shack. As you neared the end of the tunnel, you heard a howling noise that made you stop in your tracks. Maybe this was a mistake, you thought, wanting to turn back.
     The other animals pushed on, however, prompting you to continue too. You soon found yourself in a ragged house. You followed the three other animals up the stairs and into a room, when, all of a sudden, the howling stopped.
Your eyes met those of another wolf. This wolf was different than most wolves. It was clearly not a typical species. Remus, you thought. The other animals had stopped moving as well, watching the interaction between you and the werewolf. The other wolf stepped forward, sniffing. It took another step forward. You remained rigid, not daring to move. The werewolf cocked it's head at you, now standing directly in front of you. You froze as the wolf nuzzled your head.
The werewolf then licked you. Does he recognize me? Licking is a sign of affection of wolves, you questioned yourself, amused by the wolf standing near you. You returned the gesture, not wanting to anger the werewolf.
Now that you were accustomed to the presence of a werewolf, you and the four others returned to the underground tunnel. The plan now was to venture inside the Forbidden Forest. Peter the rat rode on James' back as you five bounded toward the woods.
After a while of exploring the forest and encountering new creatures, it was time to head home to the castle. Remus was to be escorted back to the Shrieking Shack by James, while you and the two others headed back to the Gryffindor dormitories.
About twenty-five minutes later, you were sound asleep in your bed, exhausted from a night of adventure.
In the morning, you rose and went off to see Remus. It was very early, for Lily and the others were not up yet. You were tired, but too eager to see your boyfriend.
When you reached the Hospital Wing, you strode over to Remus' bed, finding him awake. "Morning," you said with a smile.
He returned the smile, replying, "How'd last night go?"
"It went well," you began. You told him of the early bits of the night, about how you reached the shack and met him as a werewolf. "And then you licked me!"
"I- what?" Remus' face expressed his consternation, clearly thinking he had heard you wrong.
"You licked me," you giggled, amused at his reaction. "It's a sign of endearment. Even when we're wolves we're in love. And don't worry, I licked you right back."
He smiled, now amused as well. His long arms reached up to your waist, pulling you near to him. You now lay over half of him, supporting yourself with your elbows. Remus closed the gap between your lips, kissing you gently. The kiss deepened, Remus lightly biting your lower lip.
You finally separated from the kiss. Remus moved over, allowing you room to lay next to him, which you did. You spent the next hour laying with him, enjoying each other's warmth. Remus eventually drifted off to sleep, his grasp on you never loosening. You too soon found your eyelids drooping, threatening to close. Embracing Remus, you fell asleep.
Thanks for all the reads! Please comment how you like the story and any suggestions for the future!

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