Chapter 25

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The rest of your Winter break days were spent doing the bit of homework you had been assigned for break, cuddling by the fire with Remus, and playing games of Wizards Chess and Exploding Snap. Sadly, the other students eventually arrived from break and classes began once more.
You were back in your stressful cycle of classes, Quidditch, and homework. Compared to Winter break, you felt as though you rarely saw Remus. Although you saw him in classes, you infrequently talked with him during this time. Weekends were slightly less hectic and you made up for not seeing Remus on weekends.
One weekend in early January, you and Remus found yourselves back in your beloved spot by the fire. It was after dinner, getting late. "(Y/N), tonight's full moon," Remus told you in an undertone, careful for the few students left in the Common Room to not overhear. "So I need to get going soon."
"Iwas hoping you wouldn't say that. But I suppose you must go," you reply, sighing.
"I don't want to leave you now. I could sit here all day and night. Stupid full moon."
"Remus, why don't I become an animagus like James and the others? Then I can go with you."
You could feel Remus tense up at your question. "How do you know about them being Animagi? Did they tell you?"
You chuckle slightly, saying, "No, they didn't tell me. Once I knew what you were, I realized your nickname sort of corresponded. It only made sense for the other nicknames to correspond. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. Werewolf, rat, dog, and stag. It's quite obvious, really. I don't see how I didn't notice it before."
"(Y/N), you can't become an animagus. I couldn't stop James, Sirius, and Peter, but maybe I can stop you. It's too dangerous. I'm a monster when I transform. I can't detect friend from foe. I won't let you do it, (Y/N)," he said, pulling away from you and standing up. "I need to go now." With that, he turned to the portrait hole and strode away.
You sighed. You understood it was dangerous. But, in your eyes, it would be worth it. You stood up as three familiar faces bounded down the boys' dormitory stairs, a mischievous smile on your face.
     The next morning, you woke up and headed down to the Common Room. You saw James, Sirius, and Peter sitting on a couch talking in hushed tones. You plop down next to them, saying, "How's Remus?"
     "He's not too well. Yesterday was a really hard transformation. He's in the hospital wing sleeping right now," James answered.
     You stand up and say, "I'm going to see him." You continue walking to the hospital wing.
When you arrive, you see Remus laying in a hospital bed. His face could only be described as shredded. Madam Pomfery was standing over him, dabbing a liquid onto his wounds. "Dear, could you take over for a bit? I need to check on another patient," she asked you, looking rather harried. It seemed there were more students in the Hospital Wing than usual. You nodded and she quickly handed you the bottle of liquid, rushing off to another patient. You began to dab the liquid onto Remus' sleeping face.
As if awoken by your touch, Remus' eyes open. "Morning," you say nonchalantly with a smile on your lips, now patting the liquid onto his forehead. "How are you feeling?" You try to keep the worry out of your voice, but you fail.
"I'm alright. Better now that you're here." Remus smiled, grimacing slightly at the pain caused by this action. He moved over a bit in his bed, making room for you to sit down, which you do. You continue dabbing at his wounds. "I assume I'm quite the sight."
"Don't worry, I still find you attractive," you said, smiling. You bend down to kiss his forehead softly.
"Excuse me, but I believe you missed," he joked. You roll your eyes, still smiling, and kiss him full on the lips. After you break apart, Remus said, "Much better," still grinning.
You smile and lay down next to him. He places an arm around you, and you snuggle up into his chest. Eventually, Remus falls back to sleep, but you do not move from the safety and warmth of his arms. You stay snuggled against your boyfriend for a while, enjoying every second of it.
Hey everyone! Comment below whether you think the reader (you) should become an animagus! If you say yes, then what animal should the reader be?

Wolf With a Lamb's Heart (Young Remus Lupin x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin