Chapter 35

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Your POV

The rest of March passed by quickly. Professors began to cram more information into their classes, stressing you and other sixth year students. April began, final exams nearing. Sure, you still had two months left, but exams would be extra hard. After all, this was year one of two for N.E.W.T. level classes.
One Saturday morning, you and Remus were walking down to breakfast in the Great Hall. You had been up all night working on a Potions essay in the library, only stopping your work once Madam Pince had kicked you out. Needless to say, you were exhausted that Saturday morning.
Hand in hand with Remus, you walked down the last flight of stairs to the Great Hall. You were about to walk in when Remus stopped, yanking you backwards. "Remus?! What's wrong?"
Remus had an expression of concern on his face, "I thought I heard someone crying."
Surely enough, you heard it too. Turning around, you spied a young girl wearing Gryffindor robes sitting on the floor next to the stairs, hugging her knees to her chest.
You walked over to her, kneeling down in front of her sitting figure. "Hey, there," you began, unsure of what to say. The little girl, whom you now recognized as one of the first year students, looked up at you with bloodshot eyes. "What's wrong?" you continued in a soft voice.
The girl's face contorted as more tears spilled over her eyes. "I- I got a letter from my mum just now," she began in a small, raspy voice. Her eyes traveled to the piece of parchment she held in her hand. She handed it to you without further explanation. You took it from her, unsure of whether or not she wanted you to read it. You quickly glanced at Remus, and then unfolded the crinkled parchment.
The handwriting was messy and smudged, as if written with a shaky hand. You read:

Dear Lola,

I'm not sure how to put this into words. I wish I could say this in person but your father and I have to go meet someone later to help us.

Darling, your auntie and uncle were found dead yesterday. We were visited by some officials from the Ministry of Magic who told us the bad news. They were killed by Death Eaters as part of a string of attacks on non-magic people.

Please do not fear, we are sure you are safe at Hogwarts. As for your father and I, we are meeting with one of your Professors later in hopes that he can help keep us safe.

After our meeting with Albus Dumbledore, I promise we will write to you again. Darling, please stay strong. We love you.


You didn't know what to say. If you were dumbfounded and shell shocked, you could only imagine what Lola was going through. Remus took the letter from you, inhaling sharply as he read the awful news. The little girl spoke first. "Do you really think we're safe here? I know that Death Eaters hate Muggle-borns, and I am one, so I'm scared that they'll attack me next."
"Hogwarts is the safest place to be right now. Your mum is right. You're going to be okay," you replied. A feeling of sorrow and guilt crept over you, for you wished that you could have done something to prevent it. "Do you want to come to breakfast with us?"
     The little girl shook her head, clearly wishing to remain alone. You bade her one final farewell, still unsure of what to say. You and Remus stood up and resumed walking to the Great Hall, this time at a much slower pace. Remus had a concentrated look on his face, deep in thought. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it, pursing his lips.
     "Remus, what are you thinking about?" you asked him gently.
     "I just- feel so bad. She's so young. I mean, she's a first year. So that makes her, what, eleven or twelve? No one that young should have to worry about whether they are going to die. Attacks on muggles have increased, especially in the past few months, as have attacks on witches and wizards. No one's really safe anymore. I'm tired of trying to ignore it. I keep pretending that it doesn't affect us. But it obviously does." He paused. "I don't know, I guess I want to help. I'm just not sure how."
     "Remus, I know what you mean. I feel the same guilt. But- we're just kids too. We can't even do magic outside of Hogwarts yet. Neither of us can even legally apparate. We've got to wait until we graduate from school. And then, maybe we can volunteer for the Ministry. I'm sure they could use help."
     You both stopped walking, for you were right outside the Great Hall. Remus sighed and looked at his feet. "I know. I hate that we can't do anything yet." He looked up at you, saying, "After Hogwarts, I need to help fight the Death Eaters. No one should have to worry anymore. Too many people have died already, and this war is just beginning. We're a long way from the end. But we can help."
     You felt you heart beat faster, whether from nervousness or fear, you weren't sure. Grabbing Remus' hand, you simply murmured, "We'll fight."

Hey readers! Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter. My question for you all is whether or not the story should continue into the students' Seventh Year. If the story doesn't continue in seventh year, I will write a sequel to this story picking up after Hogwarts. Please tell me what you think by commenting! I could really use the advice. Thanks for reading!

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