Chapter 17

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                           Your POV

     Your cold attitude toward Lily and the Marauders remained strong all day. Lily tried to talk to you when you were getting ready for bed, but stopped when she saw the harsh expression etched on your face.
     When you woke up the next day, you realized that the first Quidditch match of the year was to be played today.  Gryffindor was facing Ravenclaw. You went down to breakfast early in the morning, sitting with the rest of the Gryffindor team.
     Afterward, you and the team traveled to the locker room where James gave a pep talk. You tried to listen, but found yourself silently scoffing at his words. Your anger toward him never let up.
"Alright, team, let's go out there and win! We have talent beyond compare, so Ravenclaw'll wishing they never signed up for Quidditch!" James finished his speech vehemently, his hazel eyes showing this passion.
You and the team walked out onto the pitch. The sun blinded you for a moment, but once you became adjusted to the light, you saw row after row of stands filled with cheering students. It was a beautiful day out, sunny and just a bit snowy. Perfect conditions for a match of Quidditch.
James shook hands with the Ravenclaw captain, a tall sixth year who played keeper. The official's whistle blew and all fourteen broomsticks belonging to the players rose off the ground. The seventh year Gryffindor chaser immediately grabbed the Quaffle and passed it to James.
"And they're off! Gryffindor in possession of the Quaffle, no sign of the snitch yet," the student announcer called over the roar of the crowd. James flew with the Quaffle for a bit, then passed it to you. You dodged a bludger aimed for your head and raced along the pitch. This was your chance. You threw the ball at one of the goal hoops and it flew through. You pumped your fist in the air, smiling widely.
"Gryffindor scores!" screamed the announcer.
The game continued on in Gryffindor's favor. "The score is now 90-40, in favor of Gryffindor. Ravenclaw in possession of the Quaffle," the announcer continued as a Ravenclaw chaser threw the ball toward the goal hoop. "An excellent save by the Gryffindor keeper! The score remains the same! 90-40 for Gryffindor!"
Gryffindor continued to widen the goal gap, with you scoring many of the goals. Ravenclaw scored a few goals, but could not keep up with Gryffindor. "The score is 140-60, Gryffindor still in the lead!"
Suddenly, the Seeker on your team dove for something near the ground, the Ravenclaw seeker hot on his tail. Both Seekers chased after a glint of gold shining in the sunlight. They were neck and neck. Time seemed to slow down as all faces in the stadium turned toward the two Seekers battling for the Snitch. "The Seekers have spotted the Snitch! The game could be over soon, folks!" the announcer said excitedly. Both Seekers pulled from their dive, one triumphant. "And he's got it! The Gryffindor seeker catches the snitch! Gryffindor wins 290-60!"
The game was over and you had won! Everyone on your team was screaming with joy and pumping their fists, you included. The Gryffindor fans in the stands were louder than ever.
You began to descend slowly, taking in the scene happily. You were about 50 feet off the ground when you saw a large black object hurtling toward you out of the corner of your eye. Screams erupted from the crowd as you felt a pain blossom in your right temple. Suddenly your hands could not find your broomstick. Everything began to fade to black. You felt as though you were falling through a thick substance, like jelly. The world went completely black.

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