Chapter 32

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Your POV

As soon as you entered the Great Hall, loud music met your ears. The Hall itself looked stunning. All the lights were dimmed, save for a few floating candles above the dance floor. The perimeter of the Hall was covered in gorgeous flowers and vines, due to the theme of spring. People were already dancing, while a few professors half-looked on passively. Professors usually allowed the students to have free reign within reason at Hogwarts dances and parties, because interfering would only create a greater ruckus. The party was already getting wild, with everyone packed into a mob around the temporary stage.
You knew from experience that the most fun was in the middle, where the hardest partiers were. Before dancing, however, you made your way over to one of the few tables, which were pushed against the walls of the Great Hall. All were devoid of people, but were covered in girls' handbags and high heels. You set down your clutch on the table, Lily doing the same with her bag.
"Merlin's shaggy white beard you look stunnin', m'dear Lily. Are yo'all dress'd up for me?" James was already completely wasted. His glasses were slightly askew on his face and his dark hair was tousled. A lopsided grin on his face was present as he eyed Lily affectionately. James shifted his standing position, hooking his thumbs into his suspenders. You held in a laugh once you saw Lily's face. She was trying her hardest to not seem attracted to James, but it was miserably failing. Her cheeks were flushed and she appeared awfully stiff.
     Lucky for her, James had no chance of  remembering anything that would happen that night. He was far too drunk.
       "Well Lily? How 'bout we dance?" He took a step forward, offering her a hand. Lily stared at it, eyes wide.
Callum was eyeing the scene with an expression of great unease. "Oi, Potter. She's my date so I'll dance wit' her," he said with attitude. And with that Callum grabbed Lily's arm and pulled her toward the dance floor. James looked confused for a moment, his mind evidently slowed due to his drunken state, but he eventually recovered and ran after the pair. "Lily! Come back, Lily!" James said as he disappeared into the throng of dancers.
You turned your attention back onto Remus, still smiling from the previous moments. He raised an eyebrow, smile widening as he gently pulled you toward the crowd.
      Moments later, you found yourself in the middle of the crowd with Remus and a bunch of your friends. Lily was nowhere to be seen, but you had seen James push past, still calling out for Lily.
     You and your friends started cheering as your current favorite song started playing. You turned toward Remus, smiling widely at him. Your hips moved to the rhythm of the song as you shouted the lyrics. Remus was enticed, eyebrow cocked as he threw you a look. Remus' strong arms spun you around as you laughed.
Lily pushed her way through the crowd, rolling her eyes as she finally reached you, shoving you into Remus to make room in the mob of dancing students. "I finally lost Callum!" she yelled over the roar of the music and people screaming the words of the song. You cheered in return. "I need a drink, pronto," Lily continued, addressing all your friends. Someone handed her a bottle of firewhiskey and she took a long sip.
Another bottle was handed to you. You drank some and shouted back to Lily, "Tonight's the Christmas Party part two!" She nodded, giggling, and drank more. Over your shoulder, you yelled, "Remus, you want some?"
To your great surprise, he cheerfully replied, "Sure, why not!" He took one hand off your waist and grabbed the bottle of firewhiskey. You felt his body shudder against your back at his first gulp, making you laugh.
The night continued on with more bottles of firewhiskey being passed around, more great songs being played, and more dancing. The burn of the drink at the back of your throat became commonplace to you and you welcomed it throughout the course of the night. As did most students at the dance.
After a while, you and Remus found yourselves out of the Great Hall and in the main hallway. You couldn't even remember getting there. You were having too much fun to care, a smile permanently on your face.
Remus and you stood up against a wall in the hallway, catching your breath from the night of endless dancing. You closed your eyes for a brief moment, trying to steady your mind. When you opened them, you saw Remus staring at you with happiness and desire in his green eyes. His eyes were notorious for showing his emotion, disobeying him once more.
     Remus placed his hands on your shoulders and pushed you up against the cold wall, your bare skin making contact with it. Shivers ran up your spine involuntarily, contrasting heavily with the remaining burn of the firewhiskey. He began to hungrily kiss you, his intoxication increasing his messiness. His hands traveled down from your shoulders until they reached your hips.
     You could taste the firewhiskey on his mouth and you loved it. Everything about Remus in this moment drove you crazy. And it certainly helped that you were a little tipsy too. Well- a lot tipsy. Your mind could barely process what was happening. But you only continued snogging him more desperately.
     Remus' hands began to wander once more, tracing your spine and exciting more goosebumps. Drunk Remus was so different than sober Remus, but in this moment, drunk Remus matched your mindset perfectly. You had no time for rhyme or reason, all you wanted was Remus.
     Breathless, Remus briefly pulled back to say, "Merlin, (Y/N), you drive me crazy." His voice was low and raspy from the night of drinking, making you shiver with lust. You took initiative this time and closed the gap between your mouths. Remus pulled you even closer to him, the red fabric of your dress straining against your skin.
     All of a sudden, Remus broke the kiss and scooped you up into his strong arms bridal-style. He carried you along the familiar path to the Gryffindor Common Room. Giddy from the night's events, you giggled at every step he took, swaying gently in his arms. "Remus, where're we going?" you flirtatiously asked, batting your long eyelashes at him. "Actually, lemme guess. Are we goin' to your room?" At this last question, you bit your lip and raised an eyebrow.
"O'course, (Y/N). The nigh's not over yet," Remus grinned back.
     You relaxed in his arms as he carried you. Excitement filled your chest. The gentle swaying against Remus' chest and the late hour began to get the better of you. You felt your eyelids growing heavy and a yawn emerging from the back of your throat. Fighting this was your first priority. You didn't want the night to be over yet. You wanted Remus.

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