Chapter 8

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                    Your POV

After another long day of classes, you and Lily sat in the library working on a Defense Against the Dark Arts essay. It was only your second day back at Hogwarts, and the homework was already piling up. N.E.W.T. classes sure were tougher than O.W.L. classes. Today's essay was on Inferi. You had gotten special permission from your Professor to use the Restricted Section for research, but you were still having difficulties finding enough information to write the required length.
    Lily's day had been particularly bad. In Charms, a stray spell from across the room had struck her, causing her face to erupt in nasty, green boils. Afterwards, James had run over to her trying to help. This agitated her more, for she ran out of the classroom with her hands covering her boil-covered face, shrieking in pain and embarrassment.
      Professor Flitwick was furious when he saw two Slytherin boys laughing, one who had cast the spell. 50 points had been taken from Slytherin.
"Arghh!" you exclaimed after two hours of searching through textbooks and writing your essay. You were still four inches short of reaching the required essay length.
"Let's put the rest off until tomorrow night," Lily said with a yawn. "It's getting late, and besides, it isn't due for two days." The boils on her face had been easily cured by Madam Pomfery and the girls tried to forget the earlier incident.
"Ugh fine. We're going to have so much more homework tomorrow, though," you whined to your friend.

     You left the library, saying "goodnight" to Madam Pince, and continued to the Gryffindor Common Room

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You left the library, saying "goodnight" to Madam Pince, and continued to the Gryffindor Common Room.
On your trip back, Lily said, "So what was up with you and Lupin in Charms today? Do you fancy him?"
You sighed. "I-" you took a deep breath and swallowed. "I guess I do," you said quietly. "A little."
Lily responded with a knowing smile, "I knew it! But you two are perfect for each other! You're both top of each class and act a little shy around each other!" She added in an undertone, "I think he likes you back."
"No, he doesn't," you replied, not believing her.
"Oh come on! You must see him stare at you in class! In Defense today, I don't think he took his eyes off of you once. You must have noticed that!"
"Well, I didn't. I was focusing on the lesson and taking notes," you snapped. You didn't believe her for a moment. You thought she must be joking. "I don't know what you're playing at, but he doesn't like me! We're barely even friends!"
The more you thought about it, the more ridiculous it seemed for you to have developed feelings for a boy in only two short days at school.
"Whatever you say..." Lily answered nonchalantly, waving the matter off with one hand.
When you two entered the common room, both you and Lily noticed Remus Lupin sitting alone by the fire reading. Without a word, Lily said "goodnight" to you and walked up to your shared dormitory, a smile tugging at her lips.
For a moment you almost followed her up the stairs, but you thought she might force you back down anyway to sit with him. So you walked to your favorite chair next to the fire and sat down.
Remus smiled at you once you sat down asking, "Back to Doyle tonight?"
You picked up your book which you had left on the table next to the chair and answered, "Yep."
    Your voice sounded higher than usual. Stupid voice, you thought to yourself. He's going to think I like him.
     Another part of your mind answered your previous thought: but you do like him.
    You noticed him watching you, an indecipherable emotion running through his green eyes. You forced yourself to smile at him and start reading. Your heart gave that oh-so-familiar flutter as he smiled back at you. Maybe Lily's right. Maybe there is a slight chance we like each other.

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