Chapter 14

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Your POV

Two weeks had passed since your last Hogsmeade visit. You and Remus had planned to go to the next Hogsmeade visit together, as a date. However, the students' Hogsmeade trip was cancelled due to a bad storm and a nasty case of flu affecting many of the students and professors.
The Quidditch tryouts had been postponed as well because of this. James was so angry when he was told this news. He had pouted for a week and a half. You planned on trying out for chaser this year, for you had practiced much over the summer holiday, and had improved greatly.
One Monday night, when you were sitting with Remus next to the fire talking, you asked him, "Why don't we have a date here? I could do it tomorrow, Tuesday night, at 10:30. I bet I could get some butterbeer from the house elves."
Remus smiled, saying, "That sounds great, (Y/N). I'll bring the blanket if you bring the butterbeer." He cocks an eyebrow at his last comment.
As you stood up to go to bed, you winked and said, "I'll get on that, don't worry. Good night, Remus."
"Good night, (Y/N)," he answered, a sweet smile on his attractive face.

Remus' POV

"Well, I have a date," Remus said, smiling, as he plopped down on his bed.
"When?!" Peter asked. All Remus' friends had smiles on their faces when they heard this and were excited to see their friend with the girl he liked.
"Tuesday night at 10:30," he answered, smiling.
James', Sirius', and Peter's smiles disappeared, replaced by pitiful looks of sorrow. They shared a glance.
"What?" Remus asked them, confused.
"Tuesday's full moon. There's no way you can go," James said, glum.
Remus cursed. His three friends once again shared a look. It was rare for Remus to swear. He only did when he was very upset.
"Just tell (Y/N) to postpone it one day," Sirius answered, hopeful.
"Well I can't tell her now, she's gone to bed. I'll tell her tomorrow I guess," Remus replied unhappily.
The boys went to bed, but Remus remained awake long after Peter began to snore and everyone was sleep. The next day's events would not leave his mind. He hadn't thought about his 'furry little problem' when he had been talking to (Y/N). It's my fault I'm in this position. I'll fix it tomorrow, he told himself. Eventually, the sandy-blonde haired boy fell asleep.
At breakfast, (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen. Where is she?!" Remus wondered to himself, worried.
His previous question was answered when she and Lily ran into Transfiguration, late. "Sorry, Professor. We overslept," Lily said as they entered the classroom, out of breath. Five points each were taken from Gryffindor for their tardiness.
(Y/N) smiled at Remus, clearly excited for later. He smile tentatively back. It broke his heart to do so. He was going to have to lie to her about the reason why he couldn't have date night tonight.
However, he never got the chance to talk to her during Transfiguration. After class, he fought his way through the crowd of students leaving the classroom toward her. It took him a while to do so.
When he finally reached her, she said, "Hey, Remus! Excited for tonight?"
He tried to begin, "That's what I need to t-", but was cut off by the throng of students pushing against him, making him almost fall. (Y/N) caught his shoulders, helping him to not faceplant.
"This is my class, Remus. I'll see you at 10:30!" (Y/N) said when he righted himself. She quickly kissed him on the cheek, standing on her toes to match his tall frame. He watched as she turned into the classroom.
Remus didn't get another chance to talk to her all day. During lunch, he was told that she and Lily had gone to the library to study for an upcoming test. When he ran down there, (Y/N) was nowhere to be seen. He had no more classes with her all day. During dinner, he arrived late due to a class running long. Although he sprinted down to the Great Hall, she had already gone, presumably to get ready for their date which would not happen tonight.
Remus walked back up to his dormitory later, heartbroken. "I never got a chance to tell her," he told his friends as he laid back on his bed, covering his eyes.
"I can tell her, mate," Sirius answered in an attempt to console him.
"It needs to come from me. She can't know- what I am. I-I'll tell her tomorrow."
His three friends shared a look, full of pity.
"We need to go down to Madam Pomferey's, Remus," James said quietly after a moment. The realization that it was time to go destroyed him. Remus slowly sat up and trudged to the door, sadness tugging at his heart.

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